Clearly the "There are a lot of people at Larian who play D&D and there are a lot of game sessions going on continuously" PR lines are intended to address this criticism. In fact this week's interview seemed to be all about addressing that criticism.
It's an indication of dislike because other games have ported the rules successfully without altering them to degree that Larian has -- BG series, ToEE, Pathfinder, Solasta.
it's just a misunderstanding of the rules -- clearly the D&D fans weren't in the room when "it's not fun at all" decision was made. If you are missing you aren't buffing yourself properly. Use a class feature. Use a spell. Find a magic sword. So, so much about D&D combat is about "how can I hit what can't be hit".
Why do people want a +2 sword? Answer: you are more likely to hit. If hitting isn't a problem the value of that sword goes down considerably.
The DOS model -- always hitting something with lots of hit points is simply a different system, clearly one they prefer.
And that interview isn't the only bit of evidence in another (video) interview Swen even offered to tell WotC how they should change the rules to make better video games. I won't be able to find it again but someone else might know where it is.
But, let's hope the most recent PR means they are going to make the rules optional. People who don't like to miss can play with loaded dice.