Originally Posted by 1varangian
Originally Posted by mrfuji3
Originally Posted by Firesnakearies
Facing is an optional rule on page 252 of the 5e Dungeon Master's Guide, and it does grant advantage to people attacking from behind. So, it's not just something Larian made up.

Technically true, but there are a lot of other components to that rule that Larian didn't implement. Namely, the "a creature can change its facing as a reaction to another creature's move."
This component of the rule basically negates facing unless you are surrounded by enemies because you only have 1 reaction.

And this would already eliminate the actual problem with Larian's implementation where you can just leapfrog back and forth over an enemy to get advantage every single turn regardless of circumstances.

Yup. But I wouldn’t argue with this people that play by the rules when they are convenient and when it’s not they claims that DnD5e is not balanced. Nevertheless, both facing rules & high ground positioning advantage are rules that completely takes out elements of the standard game and causes a chain reaction through the entire combat system. I’ve made a whole post regarding the impact of this in the spell slot economy and in the non released classes. But again, why to take in account someone that say it’s fine to bonus disengage to protect the casters & vehemently agree with the implementation of the optional rules presented in DMG. Living incoherence