More from my gameplay this evening...

  • Bug: Lae'zel was asked to stay at camp, and then I adventured with a different party member. When I came back to camp, I can't ever click on her again to talk. Now several camps later and she has an exclamation above her head, but I still can't click on her. I can right click on her, just not left click. I can left-click on all other party members at camp just fine.
  • Bug: Pushing the button on the second to top floor of the Arcane Tower, makes you travel down to the next level and then move over to be under it in order to press it.
  • Bug: Party members who are Nauseated by the hag's well water and then asked to stay at camp have the Nnauseated status even after resting and leaving camp, then coming back to camp.
  • Bug: The second cut scene of the person 'you dream about' incorrectly shows you holding a weapon when you're supposed to be holding their hand. And you don't really hold their hand correctly.
  • Bug: Action surge on my character as a fighter will disable their "dual wield", so that my next attack is one-handed. And then it will lock them to one-handed (unable to change back) until I removed a weapon from the off-hand and then re-equip it.

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