Are the other companions going to be available simultaneously or prior to these ones? No? Then the comment stands.
Let me rephrase: they didn't have to make a character literally do nothing at all in conversations for the first *long* stretch of your time knowing them, except condescend, insult, belittle, demean and insinuate inferiority upon the player character, just to illustrate that she was an evil aligned character. If they felt they needed to do that to show she was evil, well that's just abominably bad writing. They chose to do that on their own. They said "Hey, let's make this character insult abuse and belittle the character just for talking to them, and make them ramp it up if they try to learn anything about them", and then they said "Let's make it even better, by setting them up to be the first character you run into after the intro, that's sure to leave players feeling good about playing our game".
Does that make her unlikable, okay, perhaps not: if you secretly enjoy or get off on being abused and belittled by people you're supposed to be relying on in dangerous situations, then by all means. Most people don't. It doesn't *matter* how deep or compelling her story supposedly is, or how much reason and motivation she supposedly has for acting that way; I've no interest in putting myself through that kind of behaviour to find out, because when I do, it still won't justify or excuse the behaviour.