Originally Posted by Sigi98
Originally Posted by Nyanko
Originally Posted by Sigi98
Originally Posted by Nyanko
What's this hate for mac users exactly? Don't you have other things to do in your life than assuming mac users don't deserve to play this game on their machine and you should complain about it?

I would say in return: who cares about your complains?

Wow hold your horses - I specifically said that I am not ranting about Macs. I dont have anything against Mac users whatsoever. Why would I? Your claim that I supposedly hate Mac users is baseless. Jeez.

So if you dont have anything to say about the threads topic, dont write in here, and dont accuse me of thinking that Mac users dont 'deserve' to play this game, since I have in no way claimed that.
Thank you.

Well, your claim macs are not made for gaming is totally false and shows you don't know anything about mac computers. My cousin plays this game on a macbook pro 2018 and it runs as smoothly as on any PC right now.

Plus, you say it's only 1% of the player base. The game has sold more than 1 million copies already. So who are you to think your complains are more valuable than the enjoyment of 10k players?

If your cousin really plays BG3 on a macbook pro 2018, I'm glad for them. My boyfriend cant, for instance, and he has some newer version. But this is not the point of the discussion.

As an example, there would be way more people with consoles that would also like to play the game. But they cant, as of yet. Does that mean Larian think these people dont deserve to play? Of course not. And neither do I think Mac users dont deserve to play.
In fact, if Larian want to do that, thats totally fine. All I am saying is that RIGHT NOW there are other things with higher priorities, IN MY OPINION (cant stress this enough).

Ok, then your boyfriend must have another problem on his mac. Because I could run BG3 on my ipad pro if it was available. The newest mac machines are graphics powerhouses.