Originally Posted by Gaidax
Originally Posted by Evil_it_Self

if you go buy a 2020 computer it wont come with a 1060 if it have a 1060 in it, its not a 2020 computer

mac are not gpu powerhouse.

Ye okay bruddah...

I think you live in an alternate reality where everyone buys gaming PCs filled with LEDs and shit.

BG3 is a last gen title, it's not really a current gen title - 1060 and the likes are enough to run it and 16inch 2020 MacBook Pros mostly have around that.

But you go tell 'em dumb Larian what's what - I bet they need your advice on platforms they should develop for.


Here are the powerhouse GPUs required by BG3:

[Linked Image]

I think MacBook Pros 15/16 inch starting 2018 models can manage that.

you are totaly out of context , Nyanko said mac are gpu power house not I , I was only rectifying him. get lost.

nobody here is talking about the sys requirement of bg3, we just talking about mac in general.
even the new 2021 model have bare bone gpu from 2016 its 150 buck card in a 5k$ computerr

Last edited by Evil_it_Self; 10/11/20 10:31 PM.

[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]