Joined: Mar 2020
I get the impression it’s less about the accent and more about why do they have an identifiable accent at all, rather than sounding more like poorly speaking creatures?!
I’m not fussed personally.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
To be frank Danish is the most goblin-sounding language I'm from Sweden so I just love recognising all the Scandinavian in the dialect -- bairn for example is barn in Swedish, and hyem is hjem in Norwegian  That sounds familiar: I understand that things like "gan hyem" are almost identical in e.g. Danish (I think that's the one it was likened to, anyway). The local dialect is a bit of a mix of that and Celtic and Angle (I think Jarrow, where I'm from, derives its name from their word for "swamp", for example) and various other things collected along the way; Geordie is sort of the linguistic equivalent of trudging across a muddy field and wondering what you've brought back with you. When I was younger I'd have difficulty figuring out a word-for-word translation for people who didn't understand what I was prattling on about but finally realised it's not really a thing. I'm just embarrassed that I'm so entirely rubbish at languages. It's such an interesting subject but one where I really lack any aptitude whatsoever. I think the heavy Scandivegian influence on Geordie/north eastern English is because of the heavy settling of the area that happened during the viking/Danelaw years. Iirc?
Optimistically Apocalyptic
Cleric of Innuendo
Cleric of Innuendo
Joined: Oct 2020
I went to Manchester once. It was dark. I went to university in Salford (which is NOT Manchester). Not only dark but wet as well. And that was indoors.
Cleric of Innuendo
Cleric of Innuendo
Joined: Oct 2020
I think the heavy Scandivegian influence on Geordie/north eastern English is because of the heavy settling of the area that happened during the viking/Danelaw years. Iirc? I'm sure that Vometia can offer a local insight but yes, the North's culture was heavily influenced by the Dane invasions and settlement, much more than the South. I live almost on the Danelaw border and it is interesting to see how the place names change.
Joined: Oct 2020
goblin with French canadien accents Tabarnack ! xD
Last edited by Evil_it_Self; 10/11/20 05:31 PM.
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
I went to university in Salford (which is NOT Manchester).
Not only dark but wet as well. And that was indoors. Is that the one that's in Manchester? Your student gaff reminds me of where a friend was staying in Bristol. It looked like the flat in The Young Ones but much, much worse. And it was worse: he got really ill and even in the middle of winter he'd stand outside in the freezing air to warm up because at least it wasn't full of toxic mould. It was really horrible there. I mean Bristol in general was okay, but the student accommodation was a bit dodgy. I'm sure that Vometia can offer a local insight I'm not *that* old! "Me and the aald lad Bede were just chillin doon the boozer and 'e starts gannin on 'boot aphotrofleas or summat, and I'm just, man, had ya gob, ah just hoyed me saveloy dip in the clarts."
J'aime le fromage.
Cleric of Innuendo
Cleric of Innuendo
Joined: Oct 2020
I'm not *that* old! "Me and the aald lad Bede were just chillin doon the boozer and 'e starts gannin on 'boot aphotrofleas or summat, and I'm just, man, had ya gob, ah just hoyed me saveloy dip in the clarts." Historical photos do not lie. ![[Linked Image]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-GT9s47i0Hs4/X6rTo8uv3YI/AAAAAAAAAMI/WV5srDhFftw9Ln5m27fC7lBWnk_W9YeHQCLcBGAsYHQ/image.png)
Cleric of Innuendo
Cleric of Innuendo
Joined: Oct 2020
I get the impression it’s less about the accent and more about why do they have an identifiable accent at all, rather than sounding more like poorly speaking creatures?!
I’m not fussed personally. At least they are voiced by British voice actors performing British accents. No Dick Van Dyke cock-en-ney.
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
Historical photos do not lie. [...] eek. Anyway, I'm much shorter and dumpier and would probably be wielding a fossilised pie. At least they are voiced by British voice actors performing British accents. No Dick Van Dyke cock-en-ney. Not as bad as most "Oirish" accents though, so we're not quite as hard done by. And there's always the Kevin Costner "can't be arsed so I'll just use my own very conspicuous accent" thing. Howdy, Sherrf of Nadding Ham.
J'aime le fromage.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Historical photos do not lie. [...] eek. Anyway, I'm much shorter and dumpier and would probably be wielding a fossilised pie. Corrected: ![[Linked Image]](https://i.imgur.com/SQWIvMR.png)
Optimistically Apocalyptic
Joined: Oct 2020
I personally like it, I feel it adds a bit more depth to things, otherwise i might as well be fighting cardboard cutouts with angery gerblin faces drawn on. But also, if I'm playing a character that would kill the goblins, then I'm going to try to kill goblins.
Plus it makes it possible to include the monster races in a party without it being too insane, which opens a huge door for some of the most popular fantasy races to become PCs.
Joined: Oct 2020
I am personally impressed by how nearly every goblin looks different and has a personality to them to boot. It is really interesting to have a crpg where a lot of the enemies you end up killing you could have also had a conversation with, instead of combat being the default state.
Also, goblins have 10int so they are probably smarter than a lot of player characters that use int as a dump stat.
Joined: Oct 2020
I like it, once you get over "LONDON GOBLINS? WHAT?", it's actually pretty fitting.
Joined: Mar 2020
Enjoying these lists. Yeah, I can't even read some of what was written.
I had always wondered if "thieves cant" was based on rhyming verse.
Joined: Oct 2020
It's all due to Jackson's LOTR. They have largely rewritten the book on fantasy franchises in modern games, movies, books. You can hardly find a new property that doesn't speak in Tolkienese somewhere or use the character types, sounds, voices found in the films.
Not saying that is good or bad....it just is.
Joined: Apr 2013
It's not any different than LotR Orcs having Cockney accents.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
I absolutely love the goblins in this game. They have really distinct personalities, and excellent character models. So much diversity of appearance as well. When I got to the goblin camp and found that there were dozens of unique, individual goblins, each with their own name and their own custom appearance and their own dialogue, I was impressed. I mean, they're total shitlords, even their kids are little psychopaths, but I still find them very compelling and fun to interact with. (I did actually murder every SINGLE one of them on my first playthrough, full disclosure.)
Cleric of Innuendo
Cleric of Innuendo
Joined: Oct 2020
It's not any different than LotR Orcs having Cockney accents. I think it's a tad more complicated than that. It's not actually Cockney but more a South London accent. London criminals and gangs have traditionally featured heavily in iconic British TV police series such as the Sweeney, and other TV shows starring 'lovable criminals' such as Only Fools and Horses and Minder. That "Saarf ov the river" accent, (e.g. "You'll nevva get me alaave copper") has subsequently influenced British culture. What is happening in the UK is that the South London accent is being used by criminal gangs far from South London, presumably in the same way as we have white teenage gang members talking like they come from the Bronx or Jamaica. This accent therefore becomes the 'go-to' for depictions of English speaking criminal groups.
Joined: Nov 2020
Larian has english accents for everything. It makes it sound more fantasy-ey
Baldurs Gate on the other hand was a total mix - it was kind of interesting.
Lots of NPCs didn't have english accents (Imoen)
But then again this game has nothing in common with Baldurs Gate except the name so maybe that's not a good comparison
Joined: Dec 2016
Larian has english accents for everything. It makes it sound more fantasy-ey
Baldurs Gate on the other hand was a total mix - it was kind of interesting.
Lots of NPCs didn't have english accents (Imoen)
But then again this game has nothing in common with Baldurs Gate except the name so maybe that's not a good comparison Be mindful of the fact that the studio's location also plays a part in who they hire to do voice overs for their games. I know accents and dialects can be faked, but keep in mind Larian's offices are located in Europe. They have multiple sites but I believe their branch in charge of the recording studio is located in Dublin. The original BG games were made on the other site of the Atlantic, so it was much more feasible to hire local VAs.