Ok, so at this point would a moderator please show mercy and close this thread? Since this has apparently turned into a game of angrily comparing computor stats.
I mean, just look at the title of your thread. Don't you think it's kind of aggressive to mac users? And then you go on afterwards telling it's not what you mean.
You ask "Who cares?" and we reply "We do". Is it satisfying an answer or you want us to add some explanatory pictures or something?
Pretty much. But I guess some people still do this silly war of worlds, as if OS you use is some sort of religion and you need to "burn the infidels" at every opportunity.
Bottom line, plenty of people would like to see BG3 on Mac, including me, even if it's so I could fire it up on my MacBook when I travel, despite having a full blown gaming PC at home with all bells and whistles.
And that's why a version for it is being developed.