Well the same thing happens with the whole Tadpol scenario.
There is no real ultimatum we must escape from.
Kinda downputting yet relieving at the same time.
I was never a great "D&D" player in that sense.
° Played Baldurs Gate 2 decades ago or something like this.
° Then I played first(?) Neverwinter Nights
and that's about it.
I'm an introverted videogamer so I do not go irl to D&D meetings.
My experience with the whole franchise is relatively fresh.
But there is one thing I always took serious after hearing from it.
° Beholders
° Mindflayers, especially being infected by them
They are supposed to be extreme Monsters. But the Beholders in the game feel kinda weak in comparisation to their Hype.
And the whole Mindflayer ordeal is, feeling pretty underwhelming too.
Allthough that has to be the case since we are special 
of course ).
In which videogame are we not somehow "special"?
I know more in which the protagonist is, instead of being a completely mere normie.
But in no game I regretted it more than Baldurs Gate 3. :|
We are so special it feels like plotarmor to me.
Yeah its just my personal opinion of course.
And many new players would be really f°cked if they could just rest two times and it is GAME OVER.

The overall solution feels lacking still to me.
It is not the worst and it won't make Baldurs Gate 3 not fun for me of course.
![[Linked Image]](https://forums.larian.com/images/icons/default_dark/cool.gif)
Just my ever briefly appearing struggle with my sense of immersion.
The finished product would not surprise me if we see it in 2023 at first, looking at the pace the patches progress.
And an alternate hardcore game mode;
In which we are just not protected by this mysterious power and have to find another way to survive, it would interest me greatly.
Our maincharacter group has it pretty easy at this point - I feel.
° Mystra's Ex
° A very previliged Warlock
° One Vampirespawn
° A Half-Elf Asurmar (most probably)
° a GIthyanki Armor with a breathing corpse attached to it
Feels like we got very good gear and general potential for overpower. ^_^