Originally Posted by sozz
Originally Posted by AlanC9
Originally Posted by AlanC9
It only takes over from the role playing if the player lets it.

But yeah, there is an issue in that the expressed preferences of the PC may not indicate anything more than the PC's desire to avoid some conflict with certain NPCs. CRPGs don't have enough options where we can have the PC say something which is flagged as a lie
Wait, what? My point was that the PC should be able to lie to the NPCs.
...It's a game design that rewards the PC who is one of those high-functioning sociopaths, they don't have a externalized personality because all their interactions with other people go through these machinations. That's why I liked the mind probe scenario because it gets around the retroactive character building that is in play right now, which is subject this paradigm.

To give a few examples of this I found in the EA:

If double crossing Zevlor, he asks you why!?! you respond by saying, all hail the Absolute....what? does that mean I'm a true believer now? Am I just saying that to be shitty? I couldn't tell you.

Astarion comes upon us at night, revealing his need for blood, because I think he's a dreamy bad-boy I can 'fix', I let him 'neck' with me, the next morning the camp knows his true nature, and inquires into my disposition, I make clear, privately, that if anyone catches him sucking someone's blood, he's to be killed, I then ask Astarion if he'd be interested in a repeat of last night....what's going on here, am I trying to murder him the hard way? Am I just saying what I think everyone wants to hear?...

The point I was trying to make here is that you can't lie in a game that doesn't distinguish between the internal and the external.
I thought your point was that you as the player had to pick up the slack for the internal.(I'm choosing this option but in my head-canon, I'm really just avoiding conflict)
sorry if I missed it.
...yes, we should be able to lie, that's much more succinct that what I did... smirk