When they said that Early Access was going to last for "over a year", I took that to mean "at least 18 months probably". And knowing that the Early Access period is THAT long, I came into it expecting slow development, very long stretches between updates, and a need for patience.
We didn't pay $60 (or whatever you paid) for the Early Access client. We paid for the eventual finished game. That's the product they sold us. By paying for it WAY in advance, we also get access to this unfinished preview build, that we can play around with and give feedback on. But the unfinished game is not the actual product we bought. They don't owe us ANY Early Access updates. They only owe us the finished game.
So let's have some patience.
I can't +1 this enough. I really can't understand the people who are complaining about paying 'for' early access when they've bought the actual game. It's close to the equivalent of ordering a car directly from a car factory and going to the said factory and demanding you can take it for a ride. Of course the car won't be as capable of driving as a fully finished car.
When it comes to the length of the early access period our most reliable reference is Larian's previous game, DOS2, which was in early access for one year before it came out. I wouldn't expect anything less for BG3 either.