The game definitely has balancing issues IMO. I have a thread on reddit where I talk about how the game is too easy if people use all these non-D&D strategies that are artifacts of the game engine. Some, like being able to push while invisible without breaking invisibility, are definitely bugs that have not yet been fixed (Makes spider queen real easy). But some like unchaining to skip initiative checks are questionable. Will Larian address them or leave them in? And if they plug some of the holes, will they fix the encounters to be easier?

To me, part of EA and play testing is to see if they made things too easy/too hard. But it is hard to say when there are all these ways to cheese the game. The heat maps mean nothing once users get frustrated and just start cheesing every fight. So until these things are fixed or there is some indication what will and will not be fixed, it is hard to gauge if difficulty is correct or not.

Last edited by Dheuster; 12/11/20 01:58 PM.