I think it's pretty safe to assume that they'll give us a difficulty slider in the full release. It's fairly standard in RPGs.
They'll also give a good look at balancing the difficulty of encounters. The levelling-up speed will also be looked at. Basically the balance of the whole game.
But will they do that soon ? I don't think so, and I hope not. Balancing the whole game requires having the whole game ready. It should be the finishing touch.
The game currently feels like it's BG3 : Play-testing Edition. You walk into the Druid Grove and you're level 3, allowing you to quickly check out the archetypes of all the classes, and finding problems. You talk to 5-10 people and you're celebrating at camp, allowing you to test story permutations.
I'd much rather they prioritise the user interface, the writing and the game mechanisms at this stage of development, rather than improving the balance or, say, releasing new races or classes.