Originally Posted by alice_ashpool
Originally Posted by Dheuster
The game definitely has balancing issues IMO. I have a thread on reddit where I talk about how the game is too easy if people use all these non-D&D strategies that are artifacts of the game engine

but steal gold, hit m, portal out is the best bit!

Its interesting how I haven't seen anyone mention potions - which are cheap as hell, but you can just steal anyway. Apply oil of sharpness then binge drink potion of fire resistance, potion of fire breathing, potion of hill giant strength, potion of speed, throw a potion of sleep at an enemy then go to town, that is if you bloated stomach doesn't explode first

Some of the potions are weirdly cheap, I noticed. I tend to just stockpile them and not use them, because I want to have them "when I really need them", and then I never do. They seem mostly good for solo runs.