Originally Posted by Bufotenina
I would love to have more options with tattoos, maybe with some that cover more than part of the face or neck, there are so many options. I get that we won't see the half nude equipments of the days gone but still it would be nice, specially since some NPC have armless armors, it would be nice to see tattoos that have a continuos design grom the fingers to the temples ^^

[By the way, why so much of a surprise that the most popular options were those of a human? I mean it's almost natural and pure instict that when dreaming and fantasising we do that in our shoes or a "optimized", the comas because each and every one of us has their opinion of what that means, version of us].
no habla problema de los humanos Larian si no usaron el default personaje ni le cambiaron el pelo ni los ojos ni el color como solo dieron ok a todo y entraron. a eso se refiere , me alegro te referiste cada uno ve diferente manera su versión , yo no estoy orgulloso como somos los humanos por eso ni loco me gusta serlo en un videojuego