Just ran into the trap area and I have stopped playing the game now after 2 times of player all burning to death because its too difficult for me as a player to control that fast enough. I absolutely hated this about DoS2 as well. This is not a RTS game where I want to micro my characters. Its just not fun. If there's a trap and I fail, hit me with it one time, like D&D actually does. I dont want to burn up as I quickly try to micro move all my characters out of the way. And ya i know you can switch into time freeze mode or whatever, but that is awful to control as well. And even when controlled perfectly, just an annoyance and waste of time. No one is enjoying that time that is being spent. Plus that mode is hard to tell whos acted in the round and who hasn't. All the sudden the end turn control works differently than it does in combat. Just a whole host of issues, but really the main issue is, there's no need or point in all the time based environment damage. The extra elemental stuff from firebolt and acid is also annoying and its not in D&D and its not needed here either. Just because you have all this environmental damage crap from DoS doesn't mean you need it here.