Originally Posted by Maximuuus
Originally Posted by RumRunner151

Originally Posted by override367
Do you have any videos of how to beat the more difficult fights without cheesing any of the larianisms with a solo character? (height/los + poor enemy pursuit AI, Barrelmancy, etc)

Nope. You can check out youtube videos of others though.

Correction : nope, that doesn't exist...

Shoot/hide/shoot/hide/... is also an another way to cheese the game and to easy beat the AI... The first 10 solo playthrough are full of this and/or of other things I talked about.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad if you enjoy this... You're free to love having common god mode cheats everywhere in a strategy game.

But if it's "so easy to beat the game with a solo character", that's because the game is poorly balanced... Whatever you enjoy it or not.

Problem is the definition of cheese is very subjective. Is recruiting Halsin Cheese? Is using Halsin's thunderwave to knock minthara into the underdark cheese? Is using the spider companion cheese? Mono RPG definitely doesn't "Shoot/hide/shoot/hide/". So even if you think he cheesed the Minthara fight, there are plenty of others that he doesn't.

To further my point, you say "long rest after every 1 or 2 combats" is cheese. Ok, so all spell casters are cheese and you can only play melee. You say dipping is cheese, what about applying poisons? What about an item that applies poison after healing? Where does it end?

Also this guy beat the game by not killing anyone and he didnt just stealth to the end either: https://forums.larian.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=733836#Post733836

Bottom line...if yer havin problems, don't keep doing the same thing over an over, try something else.

Last edited by RumRunner151; 14/11/20 04:24 AM.