Originally Posted by dunehunter
Originally Posted by SorcererVictor
[quote=dunehunter]And PoE, did you played PoE 1 as a wizard? Not only you need high strength to throw a hotter fireball but also every spell is just a ULTRA NERFED version of 3.5e. Maura's Writhing Tentacles is just a ULTRA NERFED version of black tentacles(which he also destroyed on NWN2), Malignant Cloud is just a ultra weaker version of cloudkill with far smaller duration(which again, he also destroyed on NWN2)

PoE uses totally different attribute definition than DnD, i see nothing wrong with a high strength wizard. 3.5e is a version where casters are overpowered.

And i don't see why u comparing two different system, to judge if caster is good or not its fair to compare them with other classes within the same system. But you unfairly comparing casters cross two totally different system lol. YEAH wizard is soooo weak in PoE, they can't even timestop as wizard in bg2 does! BAH!

Might is strength, at least is used in every dialog as strength.

And stop time is a spell which you only get on end of SoA as scroll.

And PoE wizards aren't weak cuz they can't cast stop time, they can't cast stop time
  • Nor any OHK spell(wail of the banshee and finger of death)
  • Nor animate dead
  • Nor kill an horde of weaklings with an single fireball
  • Nor cast wish
  • Nor have deadly persistent spells like cloudkill that lasts a lot
  • Nor summon Efreets and Planetars
  • Nor cast chain contingency
  • Nor undo petrification
  • Nor shapeshift into powerful creatures
  • Nor take control over enemies
  • Nor cast duplicates
  • Nor cast stoneskin to soak a lot of damage
  • Nor cast haste to help companions
  • (...)

I could solo BG2:SoA on Legacy of Bhaal as a necromancer, losing all illusion spells due my subclass but on all sawyer games, I fell myself worthless and using far more my party members. The exception is when I installed spell fixes for nwn2. Be a mage in that game become so amazing now that instead of a fix +5 to hit from black tentacles which can't hit anything with AC > 25 to caster level + 8 and a proper grapple routine, made the same rougues who was OHKilling me on ch 1 a piece of cake.

I don't care if for you, having powerful magic effects in a high magical setting is bad; nerfing spells only made this games worse.

Vincke seems to be taking lessons on "how to ruin spellcasting 101" with sawyer.

I can't wait for a full spell fixes mod.

Last edited by SorcererVictor; 14/11/20 04:56 AM.