Originally Posted by Sludge Khalid
Originally Posted by Rhobar121
Originally Posted by Sludge Khalid
Originally Posted by Rhobar121

3. How are the various miss animations going to make a difference? No matter how good the animations are, you end up missing 5 times in a row.
It's not that it's boring to miss,
but rather that when you repeatedly fail to hit an enemy or die worse for it, it becomes frustrating quickly.
In this case, AC reduction is 100% justified and the fact that some opponents have a little more HP does not have that much impact.
Besides, someone recently put in the calculations that increasing HP and lowering AC does not have a great impact on the speed of the fight
and the only thing that improves the player's better experience by allowing him to hit more often.

Also, if something is in the D&D rules, it doesn't mean it's a good idea to implement it in-game.

Again, just because I don’t think you understood completely that this game is not just about martial classes, but casters as well. The calculation of the ac was built over a martial class. Sharing fallacious information just to make your argument stronger is counter productive and dishonest. Actually Maximuuus saved a lot of effort by posting the list of the nerfed spells. I’d suggest to read it again. Google it > read them > understand them. Quite simple recipe.

Players don’t like to miss is also an argument that I can’t simply understand. Where have you found this academic paper that people don’t like to miss?
I do think that missing is charming and clever and I’m not brave enough to state in this very forum that “people like to miss”. The way WE feel about certain aspects of the game it’s very personal. I’d advise you to not speak for the others, unless you have statistical evidence.

Now, regarding your last phrase: yes you are right. Some features cannot be translated to a video game. Yet, judging by your counter arguments it’s clear that you are not very interested in understanding the mechanics that are being challenged by the community. I can only see someone trying not to hurt Larians feelings

You could stop being toxic to anyone who disagrees with you.
If the opinions of veterans like Josh Sawyer (if you don't trust Swen) are not enough for you (if you want, I'll look for it later), I don't know what you expect.
I can always reverse the argument and ask you how do you know players like to miss? However, this type of discussion does not make sense.
Due to the changes in the rest system, the casters are much stronger than normal even after the AC change, and this will get deeper with each level.
In a computer game, rest will never be as limited as in PnP, provided you don't give a hard limit, which no one will do.
Even in BG2, you could rest after almost every fight (which D&D game had a limited rest?).

Not being toxic. Being rational for once.

I’ve said that even though I like to miss I don’t speak for the others like you do. Instead of justifying why missing is bad with arguments you simply throw in the air that people don’t like to miss without a good argument. We all do know what are the side effects of the mechanics that Larian built to the game so you can hit more. Have you tried to understand the arguments of the ones who dislike it? I guess not. That’s what I call being toxic

Why you didn’t addressed my counter arguments? I guess you can’t

I referred to them