I agree with some points and disagree with others. I'm not overly concerned with balance. 5e isn't the most finely tuned thing in the world, which makes sense to me as a tabletop RPG. You can make overpowered or underpowered classes. I'm more worries about the fun and class identity. Giving everyone their time to shine.

I like the greater focus on things like use of terrain and positioning. I'd love to see cover implemented at some point. I think it's a good advantage you can lean into with it being a video game over tabletop. On the flip side, I don't like the huge use of surfaces. I'm a huge DOS fan, and I expected some overlap, but I don't like that even cantrips make surfaces. It's more annoying than enjoyable. Another carryover from DOS is the hug amount of spell scrolls. It's just too much to be carrying around.

I like potions as a bonus action. Potion as an action feels bad in 5e. I use this as a house rule in my 5e games anyway.

I like the special weapon abilities. It gives the weapons some more identity rather than the size of the damage die.

One major point I agree on is hide and disengage being bonus actions. It feels bad as a fighter when everyone I fight disengages and I get no opportunity attack, and it's too much of an advantage to ranged attackers. The biggest casualty here is the rogue. Cunning action is a huge core to one of my favorite 5e classes. It just makes them feel worse. One of their really niche and unique abilities is default to everyone in the game. Even shove bonus action is fine to me. Speaking of, using shove to help ranged attackers doesn't matter anymore since you can ALWAYS get away now. At least add the Sentinel feat in the game.

I also really do not like the way reactions are handled right now. I don't know what the best way is, but I know it feels off right now. I can see the argument that prompts would get really obnoxious. It just kind of destroys the abilities to have the pre-preemptive rather than reactive. Riposte feels bad when you waste it on the mob you didn't want to. Hellish rebuke feels off having to cast in advance. It makes me worry about the Bard coming up. Lore bard is amazing, but how would Cutting Words and bardic inspiration work in this system? It would truly get obnoxious asking to use cutting words every time someone in your party gets attacked. I think there is a need for some change in these systems to make them work in a video game, but it just feels really off right now.