With reactions, I would understand a more radical rewrite. The prompt is really obnoxious and kills the flow of combat. The "wrong" reactions are even worse. Maybe look to older editions of D&D, make them automatical or bonus actions instead.
- Make Shield bonus action and 3 turns
- Give more opportunity attacks but apply them automatically, equal to Dex modifier (minimum 1). This would reward medium armor great weapon Fighters who have 14+dex and generally make sense that finesse fighters can strike more and faster.
Something along those lines.
I don't like the current implementation of weapon special attacks. Everyone getting a powerful move like Cleave seems wrong. It should be a class ability rather. It's the character doing the move and not the weapon. And why can you swing your blade in a wide arc only once per rest? Maybe it should be weaker like getting a penalty to attacks but more or unlimited uses.
The spear rush is a silly Super Sayian move, not something you'd expect in a grown up D&D RPG. Spears should get topple like staffs so a 5th level Fighter could do Prone + attack with advantage against a high AC target.