Thanks everyone for your feedback.
I really think it's easier to talk if we consider combats "as a whole" instead of talking about each individual problematics.

I'd like to say that this thread won't compile every "nuance" (I.E "I'd like climbing cost movement or I'd like climbing to be considered as a difficult terrain", or "Jump should cost movement or remain a bonus action").
I try to stay as objective as possible but of course if you think about issues leading you to a specific suggestion, share with us.

This thread was made for us to think all together about the best compromise between both worlds : D&D and Larian's mechanic...Because that's what Baldur's Gate 3 is.

0.2 The D20

As Topgoon suggest, it could probably be better to "cheat the dices" to reduce our ennemies AC instead of giving us all a bonus.
Not sure what could be the effect on the general balance of those suggestions.
I'll add this as another possible line of approach to solve the problematic.

Rumrunner suggest another approach : an "auto advantage" after a few miss.
I'd suggest something else : a % to hit increased a bit each time you miss (maybe +1). That's not really something I like, but it could make sense.
Both those are probably harder to implement, but I'll talk about it in the first post.

1.1 Actions + 1.2 Bonus action

A few of you react about the changes I made to "prone" and shove.

In D&D, shove is an action and not a bonus action but Larian want us to have "more" bonus action. I guess shove as a bonus action make sense to play with verticality and, it this suggestion's context as another "close combat technique" (shove to prone).
On the other hand I tried to toned down the effect of "prone", because it could be very powerfull to have an advantage related to a usual action bonus.
But there is malus to range attack in D&D... so I admit that I don't know what to think about it.

Shove as a bonus action looks fine, but if so... Shouldn't they toned down the effect of prone ? Or should it really be an action, meaning you won't be able to attack your target this turn ?

About Throw, I'll write them in "action" instead of bonus action. That's how it actually work and it's fine. That was more a mistake than a suggestion.

About Help, Changeling4's suggestion make sense but a few comments...
As you said, the 1hp cycle is an issue that's very boring. That's why I suggest an option to "give a potion to an ally". You use it as an action, and our companion can continue the combats... with more than 1 HP.
On the other hand, help as a bonus action to help in combats make sense to me. Like shove, it's another thing we can choose in combats as a bonus action. Not sure a lot of player would use it as an action.
But if that's a bonus action instead of an action... I guess it has to be toned down... What do you think about it ?

About changing our weapons as bonus action or free action;, the question is still open. Any thoughts ?

3.1 Backstab

I think Larian want to offer us more possibilities in combats with backstab to play with our % to hit.
The "concept" make sense to me, but it obviously can't be so powerfull and grants an easy advantage. It's also very a problem with the AI that won'tbe able to think much about "the best way to backstab".

It looks a few don't agree with my attempt. I guess a +2 (or +3, or ...) bonus for backstab is probably better.
I'll add this as "the main" possible approach of the game.

On the other hand, a few suggest that this was deleted... So 'ill add something about it.

3.3 Light

It looks very confusing for everyone so I guess we'll have to wait to go deeper.

4. Surfaces

I'll edit about AoE spells. I was talking about it but we don't have any clues what Larian plan for them.
Maybe AoE shouldn't always create surfaces. That was kind of "logical" to me but maybe it was a mistake to talk about that. I really don't know D&D's spells enough and we can't really test things in the game.

4.1 Cantrip

About cantrip, to answer Rumrunner, with tthat logic your choices would be :
- tagret a creature : 1D10 damages OR
- target the ground : (something like) 1D6 surfaces damages + burning if the target miss its saving throw / 50% of 1D6 damages and no burning if he suceed. Maybe the AoE could be a little bit increased so this is a relevant opporunities to damage a few target while target a creature could be more powerful and kill more efficiently.

4.3 Dipping

Maybe no more surfaces potions and only potions to coat weapons ? That could be good but I'm not sure Larian would enjoy removing such a feature.

5 Visual Improvement

I note that many of you are against "more cutscene". I don't know yet HOW, but I'll edit these points.
I'll also add something like " More verbiage for missing would be good. Wielding a melee weapon and being missed by a melee attack will occasionally replace the miss with a "parry". Wearing no armour, light armour or medium armour will pop an occasional "dodge". Wearing heaving armour or wielding a shield will sometimes pop a "block". More variety in miss animations would be nice (e.g raising your shield".
This could work in combinations of specific animations instead of "cutscenes".

6.1 Must Have

- We should be able to choose who our spells affect (i.e choose who are the targets of bless or the targets of sleep)
As Topgoon noticed, I give a very bad exemple because you cannot choose who's going to fall asleep in D&D. That's how it work in BG3; and that's fine.
I'll correct this.

- In combat, don’t allow us to access to other’s companions inventory
I'll nuance that, because it's a fact : some players don't like this, other like shared inventory, and other suggest being able to pick in other's inventory but with a range limit.
I guess everything make sense and is a matter of opinion.

I repeat but please, feel free to correct what I said, or to insist on thing and to explain WHY what you suggest is absolutely necessary.
This topic is a community topic.

Just keep in mind that Larian has a vision. We don't know much about it but we have to think about it.

Last edited by Maximuuus; 15/11/20 10:49 AM.

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