Originally Posted by Blade238
Originally Posted by fallenj
Originally Posted by Blade238
Wait, why would they try to fix all of the bugs before implementing changes based on feedback? Changes to balance, gameplay and story might end up causing more bugs or causing issues with any fixes they would have worked on and implemented.

Maybe I'm wrong, but to me it makes more sense to implement any larger changes based on feedback, get more feedback on changes, tweak things and then worry about bug fixing and polishing.

Ya, pretty sure companies have done this before, instead of fixing stuff they bring out more content and 10 times more bugs so the game is in worse shape than before...right, sounds like a plan.

Exactly, 10 times more bugs. So it makes more sense to get rid of all of the bugs, then add them in making all the previous work pointless?

Look at any live service game. Fallout 76 for instance keeps fixing the same bugs because their updates and content releases reintroduce them back into the game. The difference is this game doesn't need to fix something like a dupe glitch a hundred times, they could add in all of the content and fix it later. Unless it's game breaking, it makes no sense to keep fixing the same issues.

I wouldn't say fix all the bugs, but ya fixing stuff is important. Generally needs to be a balance so the game actually works as intended.

Originally Posted by Verte
Originally Posted by fallenj
Originally Posted by Blade238
Wait, why would they try to fix all of the bugs before implementing changes based on feedback? Changes to balance, gameplay and story might end up causing more bugs or causing issues with any fixes they would have worked on and implemented.

Maybe I'm wrong, but to me it makes more sense to implement any larger changes based on feedback, get more feedback on changes, tweak things and then worry about bug fixing and polishing.

Ya, pretty sure companies have done this before, instead of fixing stuff they bring out more content and 10 times more bugs so the game is in worse shape than before...right, sounds like a plan.

Sounds like my experience with mmo games. ;>

Ya, I was a mmo junky as a teen/young adult