Originally Posted by OneManArmy
Originally Posted by PrivateRaccoon
Originally Posted by OneManArmy
Originally Posted by roo3030
I've lost trust in all the vultures on this thread - with only 20 million to my name, 5 gaffs that are only castle-level in size (not palaces - it's very different) and 3 super-model wives, I'm finding it very difficult to sympathise with your various arguments considering the various silver spoons you were all born with. I only had 19 million 'gifted' from my parents - what about you fuckers? 100 million? You have a 'distorted' view of reality, you don't know what it's like to 'work your way up' - you pontificate on your various high horses, I was born in the gutter with only a couple of mil in my pocket. Y'all had it easy

No, you're just a troll and a liar who doesn't have two thousand dollars wink
I do not believe.

Be nice OneManArmy. It's considered bad manners to pick on the middle class. Btw, are you still coming to my soiree in Marrakesh next friday? It's only the summer palace but I'm sure the weather will be nice enough for the gathering anyway..

I have an important meeting with Elon Musk at this time, so I pass. I can't tell you more, it's a secret.

Oh really. I'm so jealous, he has the best jokes. Say hi from me. But do be careful dear, I heard a rumor he got down with that terrible virus when he visited my cousin a couple of weeks ago. But it that might just be a rumor. My cousin is so drab, and he dares calling that ruckus a castle, ha.

Last edited by PrivateRaccoon; 21/11/20 03:03 AM.