Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
Ever changing, mirthful, and beautiful, the primal elves
could assume whatever sex they liked. When they bowed
to Lolth's influence and chose to fix their physical forms,
elves lost the ability to transform in this way. Yet occasion-
ally elves are born who are so androgynous that they are
proclaimed to be among the blessed of Corellon-living
symbols of the god's love and of the primal elves' original
fluid state of being. Many of Corellon's chief priests bear
this blessing.
The rarest of these blessed elves can change their sex
whenever they finish a long rest-a miracle celebrated by
elves of all sorts except drow. (The DM decides whether an
elf can manifest this miracle.) Dark elves find this ability
to be terrifying and characterize it as a curse, for it could
destabilize their entire society. lfCorellon's blessing mani-
fests in a drow, that elf usually flees to the surface world to
seek shelter among those dedicated to Corellon.

if...if one puts on the Girdle...does the world end?

I'd love to see this added as a possible Custom MC