Originally Posted by roo3030
Originally Posted by OneManArmy
Originally Posted by roo3030
I've lost trust in all the vultures on this thread - with only 20 million to my name, 5 gaffs that are only castle-level in size (not palaces - it's very different) and 3 super-model wives, I'm finding it very difficult to sympathise with your various arguments considering the various silver spoons you were all born with. I only had 19 million 'gifted' from my parents - what about you fuckers? 100 million? You have a 'distorted' view of reality, you don't know what it's like to 'work your way up' - you pontificate on your various high horses, I was born in the gutter with only a couple of mil in my pocket. Y'all had it easy

No, you're just a troll and a liar who doesn't have two thousand dollars wink

I still think this guy is the funniest - 2k is peanuts to me friend, but we call it euro over 'here' wink

Almost any thing can be bought for money if a person is very rich, if it is really important to him. The only question is the price. Let me give you an example ...

If you had written to Larian a proposal to introduce a romanceable gay goblin into the game specifically for your own pleasure, and backed up the proposal with $ 1 million, the Wizard of the Coast would have had to take it seriously, and most likely your investment would have been accepted. The goblin would have appeared if it hadn't broken the concept of the game. Probably no.
If you offered the same amount as the game has collected in worldwide sales, I think the probability of rejection would be 0.001%, because Wizard of the Coast is not crazy, you would be crazy.

If you're just pitching ideas as a fan, then Larian will decide, not you. You will be heard, but you will not make a decision. Because this is their business, not yours.
We're not just talking about Larian, this is how all things in the world work.

So, do you still think the easiest way to get a theme unlocked is through a persuasion check? I see 4 out of 10 on your d20, for now. Most likely, after reading this topic and the negative in it, this topic will also be blocked. Another way is needed.

Minthara is the best character and she NEEDS to be recruitable if you side with the grove!