"Rest at ease you've understood me perfectly, I was just commenting on exactly the thing you're talking about here, how these approval systems that truncate relationships don't reflect how relationships work but do reflect a worrying side effect of romance as 'feature' in games. People take them for granted, they don't roleplay into one, they choose who they think they like most then just pump their points up to see the content, very "game-y" , very dull and not conducive to good story-telling by the player or the writer."

That! I think that covers my view on this subject. Anything sexual that is forced on the player is always going to seem a bit well..forced. One of the many wonderful things about romancing/dating in real life is you are never quite sure who you will find/discover. That makes it interesting. Thats how I like my intimacy in RPG's. Keep it interesting by allowing nuaunce, ambiguity, wit. Saying that, I've not actually had any in game action as so far my attempts to woe shadowheart have so far failed to impress. I mean, how high do you have to stack the bodies to get some womens attention..

Last edited by Topper; 21/11/20 08:11 AM.