Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
Originally Posted by Tarlonniel
Take Wyll - he's got a sexy female cambion for a mistress/patron, flirts hard with both Lae'zel and Shadowheart, ignores Gale and Astarion, but at the party he (apparently) propositions a male PC exactly like a female one, with no prior indication that he'd be at all interested in a guy. That just looks odd to me.
I keep hearing that but I can't reproduce it. I can get Wyll to say he's sorry that I didn't choose him but if I F8 and ask him he says something like he doesn't feel the connection and has a tankard to keep him company.

I can also get to the party where no one is interested in the main character without problem -- in fact I think that will become the bigger problem in future because once I got too efficient on a play-through -- imagining I was really worried that this bomb inside my head would go off -- I found that the I didn't have enough camp interactions for any the romances. Even the easiest to romance -- Astarian suddenly developed standards and Lae'zel told me I had displeased her too often. (even if she was impressed by skills in battle)

I'm receptive to the critique that playersexual allows devs to get away with fewer companions -- (BG had 18 we need 18. period. full stop) -- but I'm with those saying that there isn't a good reason to believe Faerun has these hangups and plenty of reasons to think it doesn't.
I haven't seen the Wyl romance myself (not for lack of trying) and I've seen elsewhere that it (and a great many other triggers and flags) are borked, so keep that in mind, I've also noticed that depending on dialogue choice, Astarion will give you the line about having standards (rich), or be down for a nocturnal tussle, I'm not sure if that's a bug or an interesting facet of his character.
Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
but I'm with those saying that there isn't a good reason to believe Faerun has these hangups and plenty of reasons to think it doesn't.
I think what I'm seeing is two issues, my problem with everyone being playersexual isn't necessarily about whatever cultural hang-ups there might be in the Forgotten Realms it's about a person's sexuality being present at all. As opposed to carefully "not applicable" for reasons that have nothing to do with the world and everything to do artificially making everyone 'available' to the player.

Last edited by Sozz; 21/11/20 08:07 PM.