Joined: Mar 2015
I always liked to play a sorcerer. Charismatic, powerful spells, they have it all.
To my horror, I had to realize that this class was not included in the early access. Instead, superfluous classes like fighters, wizards and even rogues were available!
After this initial shock, I was sulking a little ("Bah, Larian, if you don't give me my class, I won't play your game!"). Then, however, I had to endure the most excruciating experience in my entire life: I played the game as a *Wizard*.
Needless to say that he was a completely un-charismatic, downright repulsive nerd. He wasn't loved by either goblins, druids or the better sex, didn't get additional quest rewards, wasn't praised for his good looks or admired for his laid back nature. In the end, he ended up drinking with Ethel discussing why no one likes them.
The reason, of course, was obvious: It was the god's (Read: Larian's) fault that they turned out so ugly. If they had been given the option of a sorcerer class, Ethel would have been a kind and benevolent witch. And my wizard would have been a sorcerer easily talking the Illithids, Goblins and Druids into making peace and giving him all their valuables.
Joined: Oct 2020
Entertaining story. Good try.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
Good post, but you kept spelling "bard" wrong.
Joined: Nov 2020
Wizards & Sorcerers are not the same? Let me guess "Mages" are another thing as well huh? ^^ Time to feel like the biggest D&D noob of all times. The more I know the worse I feel. ^^
I kinda miss the Necromancer. Want my Army of Darkness. ^^
Joined: Mar 2015
Good post, but you kept spelling "bard" wrong. ---------------------------------------------- Beards? Beards are definitely something we need as well 
Cleric of Innuendo
Cleric of Innuendo
Joined: Oct 2020
You can find loaves of bread in the game.
Joined: Oct 2020
You could've just gone with warlock if you wanted to be a spellcaster that has high charisma.
Joined: Mar 2015
You could've just gone with warlock if you wanted to be a spellcaster that has high charisma. Yes, my character could have turned to worship demons and fiends to find salvation. Chtulu would also have been an option. Celestials and fey are obviously abhorred by the inscrutable gods of this world. Which brings my char back to drinking with Ethel 
Last edited by Arne; 22/11/20 02:02 AM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
Yes, my character could have turned to worship demons and fiends. Which brings him back to drinking with Ethel  No no, forget those infernal types - you need to join the GOO warlock club. Nyarlathotep can be very charismatic when he's not doing his crawling chaos thing. You'll like him. We do still need bards, though.
Joined: Oct 2020
I'm with OP on this. Join the sorc fan club y'all!
I do want to see Larian deal with the fundamental game mechanics like combat, conversations, inventory an ui etc, making changes based on player feedback, first though,, before adding more playable content, as doing it the otherway around sends the signal they are happy with the current state of the game and intend to move forward with the design in place. I'm actually getting my hope up somewhat that the current silence from the devs means they are making major changes already.
Joined: Oct 2020
I am looking forward to Sorcerer too, I know that there's Warlocks but I really prefer to play as CHA characters just for RP reasons xD. I like it when my character is the one doing the talking.
Joined: Oct 2020
The reason, of course, was obvious: It was the god's (Read: Larian's) fault that they turned out so ugly. If they had been given the option of a sorcerer class, Ethel would have been a kind and benevolent witch. And my wizard would have been a sorcerer easily talking the Illithids, Goblins and Druids into making peace and giving him all their valuables. This may seem like odd question ... but since i allready had my fair share of badly distribued statistic ... (deleted 3 characters, since i did them wrong :D) What exactly was stoping you in creating huge-charismatic Wizzard? O_o Also, the last thing this world need is bard. -_- But i dont see any monks around here!
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
I The reason, of course, was obvious: It was the god's (Read: Larian's) fault that they turned out so ugly. If they had been given the option of a sorcerer class, Ethel would have been a kind and benevolent witch. And my wizard would have been a sorcerer easily talking the Illithids, Goblins and Druids into making peace and giving him all their valuables. This may seem like odd question ... but since i allready had my fair share of badly distribued statistic ... (deleted 3 characters, since i did them wrong :D) What exactly was stoping you in creating huge-charismatic Wizzard? O_o Also, the last thing this world need is bard. -_- But i dont see any monks around here! I mean theoretically you can do q high cha wizard, the extra cha is just useless in combat
Joined: Oct 2020
Aswell as intellect is in conversations. 
Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 22/11/20 04:03 AM.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Jun 2019
Yes, my character could have turned to worship demons and fiends. Which brings him back to drinking with Ethel  Warlocks doesn't worship then. Doesn't draw their power from then. They are just the masters and warlocks, the apprentices. Vader and Palpatine are probably how their relationship works. Vader doesn't leech power from Palpatine, but he depends heavily on the teachings of palpatine and palpatine can order Vader to do thins for him.
Joined: Oct 2020
Sorc is pretty much my favourite. Loved it in 3.5, Pathfinder, 4th editions and I typically play a spellcaster in RPG's.
The long gap in updates hint at something big. It doesn't need to be in full working order. I just want to mess with all the main classes!
Joined: Apr 2013
I want to be a Sorcerer so I can grow wings or crazy things like that.
Joined: Mar 2015
Yes, my character could have turned to worship demons and fiends. Which brings him back to drinking with Ethel  No no, forget those infernal types - you need to join the GOO warlock club. Nyarlathotep can be very charismatic when he's not doing his crawling chaos thing. You'll like him. I can't even pronounce that! Why can't I make a pact with someone nice, a pretty celestial or a funny fey? That would also be a better romance option than the eternally grumpy, aptly named Shadowheart  We do still need bards, though.
Hell, yes! Bardiches are cool. A sorcerer armed with a bardiche can poke Goblins from afar. 
Joined: Oct 2020
I agree. I love the Sorcerer class. But since that class is missing I had to roll a warlock instead. But i'm positive that the Sorcerer class will be added to the game later. By Larian that is, not by modders (who have already added the class).
Joined: Mar 2015
I'm with OP on this. Join the sorc fan club y'all!
Exactly. With a sorcerer we could have something like the secret Far Cry 4 ending. We could simply sit down with the Illithids, drink some cocoa/brain cocktail and talk things out. After several ludicrously easy DC 20 persuasion checks, we could convince them to henceforth grow their brains in vats. The credits would roll and the game would be over in under 5 min.