Originally Posted by Firesnakearies
Finally, I am ready to post my full, official feedback for the developers. I've played 116 hours so far, and I absolutely LOVE Baldur's Gate 3! I've been obsessed with it since it came out, and all I want to do is keep playing it, watching people play it, and chatting about it on forums and Reddit. It's really, really good so far! I think it has the potential to be the best CRPG ever. I'm not going to use up a lot of post space going on about all the things I like about the game. Just assume that, other than the specific points I raise below, I like EVERYTHING about it.

I have a ton of requests and suggestions here, I kept a lot of notes as I played. If you read these, I really appreciate it! I've organized my points into three sections: Change Requests, Feature Addition Requests, and Bug Reports.


1. Please rethink the current party control scheme. Often times my characters run around in ridiculous ways, even in dangerous situations. I can’t cast Guidance without the whole party deciding to take a frenzied lap or two. This all comes down to the chain/unchain control system, which, honestly, is not good at all. There’s a reason why almost every other game in this subgenre has a fairly standardized control scheme, except for Larian’s games. Because it’s better. Click an individual character to control that character, drag to select multiple characters (marquee select), only the characters selected move or do anything, and a button that automatically selects all characters. It’s faster, it’s more precise, and it is just proven to work well and be liked by people. All this dragging to chain and unchain is unwieldy and tiresome, and leads to poor control of the game.

2. Please let us set a party formation rather than just have the characters stand wherever they want with no control. This would go along well with the previous request. Lots of other games in this subgenre have this option, people like it, and it would really help.

3. Please change the number of short rests available per long rest. Three would be perfect. While we’re at it, putting some kind of limit or cost to long resting would also be great. But I don’t like timed quests, so I’m not asking for that specifically. Just something that makes us less likely to want to hit the “end day” button after every encounter.

4. Please reduce the number of searchable containers in the game world. Right now, there is an obscene number of them, and most of them are empty. Some players feel compelled to search everything, and it’s honestly not fun at all with this density of searchable, empty containers. I’m not asking you to put things in them, there’s already way too much stuff to take as it is. Just make the bulk of the empty ones un-searchable.

5. Please upgrade the map. I’m hoping that the current in-game map is just a placeholder, as it looks really awful right now. Compared to everything else in the game, it seems very low-effort. And it’s not even very helpful, as instead of clearly showing individual features of the terrain and buildings, it just shows a big . . . mess of pixels.

6. Please make these traps disarmable. I found tons of traps in the game that could not be disarmed, and it was very disappointing, as a Rogue player. There were 23 trap disarm kits (I don’t know why we need these, instead of just using Thieves’ Tools, but whatever) in my inventory at the end of my playthrough, and virtually no traps to disarm. I found at least two trapped chests that couldn’t be disarmed, all those traps in the swamp couldn’t be disarmed, the mines along the side approach to the goblin camp couldn’t be disarmed, the proximity bombs in the Zhentarim hideout couldn’t be disarmed, and so on. Disarming traps is an important part of the D&D style of game for many people, so please make most of the things disarmable.

7. Please fix Sneak Attack. It shouldn’t be a separate ability on the hotbar. It would be much better as a toggle, just like you use for Repelling Blast. This would allow us to potentially Sneak Attack with an offhand attack, with a special arrow shot, with an Opportunity Attack, and so forth. As it should be. Still only once per turn, of course. Also, please roll each of the Sneak Attack dice separately, instead of rolling once and multiplying. It should be consistent damage, not swingy.

8. Please limit offhand attacks to once per round. Right now, the Thief subclass emerges as this obvious damage beast, which is not really what it’s supposed to be. I love the extra bonus action, that’s fantastic, but it should be used for utility purposes, not to make extra attacks that the class shouldn’t have.

9. Please let us Dash with one click. There’s really no reason why, when I click Dash, that I need to see my character dramatically posing while I have to then click again (but not even on the button again, no, I have to move the cursor to the playfield and only then click again . . . for no reason). Hide is one click. Why can’t Dash be, also?

10. Please separate Jump and Disengage. I actually quite like the fact that Disengage is now a bonus action for everyone, but it shouldn’t be tied to jumping. Jumping should not take any action at all, it should just take up some of your movement.

11. Please change the way we select spell levels from the hotbar. Instead of filling our bars with tons of different versions of each spell (I mean, how absurd is it gonna be when we have up to 5th level spells?), we should just be able to click on a single icon per spell, and then a sub-menu opens up to choose the casting level. Just like how Hex works now.

12. Please allow us to walk through our own allies during combat. Obviously we wouldn’t be able to stop inside their space, but moving through them would solve a lot of annoying situations where one character blocks every other character from getting to an area.

13. Please add more information to item tooltips. They should tell us what an item does. Food heals you, but the tooltips don’t even say that. Some mechanics should be communicated more strongly on item tooltips as well, such as the fact that wearing non-proficient armor will give you a penalty to all attack rolls. Players need this information.

14. Please upgrade the combat log both functionally and visually. It should remain at the size we set, it should not close itself without our permission, it should always start at the bottom rather than requiring us to scroll down to the bottom whenever we open it. Let us see the rolls in the log without having to mouse over, and show both die results whenever Advantage or Disadvantage is rolled. For a good idea of how the combat log could be dramatically improved, please just look at Solasta’s combat log and take some ideas from that.

15. Please show the roll (either in the combat log, or as a pop-up such as when disarming the 5% of traps that you can actually disarm) when lockpicking. We need to know whether we failed due to a low roll, or failed because the difficulty is high.

16. Please make the vision cones more visible in all environments. Or at least, give us a settings option to increase their visibility. In some places, they can be very hard to see clearly.

17. Please change the fact that activating Dash instantly breaks Hide and Invisibility. This especially makes no sense given the fact that you can activate Dash first, and then Hide, and still move at double speed while Hiding.

18. Please improve the AI of enemies when you are Hiding. Right now they mostly just stand around and wait to die if you are hidden. This is pretty bad. They should come searching for the hidden character(s), or go take cover somewhere, or do something sensible. Right now, you can’t even play a stealthy hit-and-run playstyle without automatically exploiting an obvious failure in the AI, which is not fun.

19. Please reduce the distance at which someone is considered Threatened a bit. Right now, it’s conspicuously far. It feels bad to have a penalty to ranged attacks and see that the enemy is not really very close to you at all.

20. Please change it so that a foe who is sleeping or paralyzed does not Threaten anyone.

21. Please do not let combat end until no character is making death saves. If someone is still making death saves, the combat state should persist. This will prevent characters dying while auto-triggered cutscenes happen after a battle, or players suddenly having to rush and aid their fallen friend(s) in real-time after a fight ends.

22. Please make the objects/features found with Perception checks more obvious to the player. Sometimes you have no idea what your character just “found”, and it can be very difficult to figure it out. Our character succeeded at Perception, so we as the player shouldn’t also need to.

23. Please make all torches automatically lit when equipped. We can already magically light any candle, brazier, ensconced torch, or campfire just by clicking on it, so obviously we have the means of starting fires at will. There is no reason to make us go through the step of dipping the torch (especially since we can drop a candle and light it without an action) in a pre-existing flame. No one wants to carry around an unlit torch, there is never any reason to do that, so the unlit version of the torch item just shouldn’t even exist.

24. Please improve the functionality of the camp stash. Instead of just being a tiny little container window, make it a larger panel, with full sorting and filtering options. Once you have a lot of things in the current stash, it becomes a huge pain to deal with it.

25. Please allow Mage Hand to open containers and flip switches. If it can Shove an ogre, it should be able to manage those tasks. Also, Mage Hand really probably shouldn’t remain out of combat while the party is currently in combat.

26. Please allow us to buy and sell at merchants using the Charisma bonus of the best Charisma in the party. Shuffling 50 items around to your party face just so you can get a good price for them, every time you go to sell, is incredibly tedious and unnecessary.

27. Please allow us to “downgrade” a regular action to a bonus action if we want to. If we can attack and drink a potion, it doesn’t make sense that we can’t Shove and drink a potion. If we can Disengage and cast Cure Wounds, it doesn’t make sense that we can’t Disengage and cast Healing Word.

28. Please remove the ability to consume food during combat. This is not Skyrim. It destroys credulity to imagine taking the time to wolf down a whole pig’s head or rack of ribs in a couple of seconds, while fighting for your life. The ability to eat in combat also very much devalues both healing potions and actual cast healing spells.

29. Please remove the ability of any character to use magical scrolls. Only people of the appropriate class should be able to do it. If a non-caster wants to use certain scrolls, they should be able to do it after taking the Magic Initiate feat. A character’s class should matter more than how many consumable items they have in their backpack.

30. Please remove the ability of Wizards to copy non-Wizard spells into their spellbook. Preserve class identity and roles. The Wizard should not be casting Healing Word and Bless.

31. Please allow us to dip in our nearby ally’s equipped and lit torch. If we can put our magic blades of instant ignition in a candle’s flame or a torch on the ground, we should be able to use our friend’s conveniently held up burning beacon.

32. Please make spears Versatile, as they should be. Spear and shield is a classic fighting style.

33. Please change it so that UN-Hiding does not use up your bonus action. As in, you are Hidden already, and you hit the Hide button, and it makes you not Hidden anymore. That shouldn’t take your action. Along the same lines, please change it so that attempting to Hide, but being not allowed to because an enemy is looking at you, also does not use up your bonus action.

34. Please update the Sneak Attack tooltip to show the correct number of bonus dice when we level up. It still says 1d6 even once it has increased to 2d6.

35. Please make the Athletics skill increase jumping distance. Right now it is only Strength, and that makes proficiency in Athletics seem pretty useless. It would be nice for characters who have low Strength to be able to choose proficiency in Athletics to at least get some jumping ability.

36. Please make the Silence spell actually silence things inside its radius. Sound-based attacks, calls for help, drum beats, and the like should be nullified inside a Silence spell. Because that’s what it says on the tin.

37. Please consider letting us read owned books without starting Ragnarok. Not take them, of course that would be stealing. But just reading them without picking them up isn’t too much harm, is it? Your writers put in the work to write those books, don’t shut players who don’t want to anger the locals out of reading so many of them.

38. Please consider showing some love to Sacred Flame. Due to the changes you’ve made to Fire Bolt and Ray of Frost, and your higher ground rules making it very easy for casters of most cantrips to get excellent accuracy now, poor Sacred Flame, the Cleric’s only attack cantrip, is comparatively awful. I don’t think it needs more damage or a higher success chance, but why not take a page from 4th edition’s book (where Sacred Flame originated as a spell) and give it a minor support effect. Hit or miss, casting it could also grant a nearby ally a small number of temporary HP, or a small bonus to saving throws for one round, or something of that nature. This is how it was in 4e, and it befits the support nature of the Cleric class. It will take the sting out of always failing with Sacred Flame, while the Wizard laughs with 95% hit chance from on high while also creating free surfaces with a cantrip.

39. Please take a look at the rewards for the Phase Spider Matriarch encounter. It’s one of the biggest “boss fights” in Act 1, but it doesn’t feel like it when you win. Right now the Matriarch awards 20 XP. Twenty. Two-zero. In addition, there’s no hidden cache of goodies to be found in her lair afterward, just a robe of questionable usefulness.

40. Please change Astarion’s default outfit from padded armor to just plain clothes. The player is going to replace it with leather most likely anyway, but at least he won’t join the party with Disadvantage on Stealth rolls. He’s going to be many people’s only Rogue, and they might expect him to do some sneaking around right away. His outfit doesn’t even look like padded armor. It looks like clothes. So make it clothes.

41. Please make Shadowheart more trickery-y. Her 9 Dexterity is appalling. She’s a medium armor wearer, and supposedly into Trickery. Yet her Dexterity is her lowest score, and she lacks proficiency in Deception. Please raise her Dex (14 would be good), and give her proficiency in Deception. (And also maybe start her with a short bow or crossbow if that’s not asking too much?)

42. Please DON’T change bonus action Disengage, Shove, and Hide. I think they’re fun, and I think in the case of Disengage and Hide, they actually fix bad rules in 5th Edition. People are asking you to change them, but I like it how it is.


1. Please add the ability to target a spell by clicking on the portrait of the character. We can do this is many other games, and I keep trying to, and then it just selects the other character, and it’s a bad day.

2. Please add the Ready action to the game. Let us pick an attack that we will then automatically use on the first target that presents itself in range of that attack. It would make the combat even more tactical and deep, and the AI could use it as well, which could be a good counter to the Hiding hit-and-run strategy that the AI currently does nothing about.

3. Please add the Delay action to the game. We could just click on someone in the Initiative order, and our turn would be moved to just after that character. Again, this would help a lot with tactical coordination and helping us not have to waste turns from time to time when we can’t do a thing until later on in the round.

4. Please add the Dodge action to the game. Just like in 5e rules, it would take a full action but would give attackers Disadvantage against us, and give us Advantage on Dex saves until our next turn. More tactics, again.

5. Please add the ability for us to change which character is speaking/interacting at any time during a dialogue scene. Sometimes the game randomly picks one of my companions for a conversation instead of my main character, and I hate that. Other times, we really want the party member who is good at a certain skill to be able to step up and make that skill check in dialogue.

6. Please add the ability for us to set keybinds for our left-side bar actions, such as Dash and Jump. We already have a keybind for Hide, so it would be really helpful to be able to hotkey the other ones, some of which get a lot of use.

7. Please add the Expertise class feature for Rogues. It’s one of their defining features, Rogues/Thieves have always been the skill class in D&D. They need Expertise to retain that role. Also, maybe give them one more proficient skill at character creation, because right now you can make a Ranger that has more skills than a Rogue, and that steps on the class identity as the skill experts.

8. Please add another type of Cunning Action, to make up for the fact that you gave bonus action Disengage and Hide to everyone. That takes a lot of the Rogue’s specialness away, and only having one Cunning Action (Dash) seems kind of anemic compared to many other class features. My suggestions would be either Cunning Action: Throw (bonus action, once per round), Cunning Action: Dodge (bonus action), or Cunning Action: Hide (once per round can Hide without using any action at all).

9. Please add the ability to take cover behind objects or terrain features by using a bonus action. It could even be combined with Hide. Hide/Take Cover could let you either Hide, if hiding is allowed for you right then, OR you take cover behind an adjacent object or terrain feature. The AI could also use this, of course, which would make combat even more tactical.

10. Please add the ability to use a potion directly on a downed ally. Without throwing it. (I mean, the potion-throwing is fine, I like it, but I’d like to be able to administer a potion directly at close range.)

11. Please add a Use Item button on the right-side hotbar, that brings up a submenu of consumables that we could use, similar to the way the Throw button works on the left-side bar. There tends to be a lot of clutter with different potions and such on the hotbar.

12. Please add some XP for resolving encounters peacefully. It could be half as much as you would get for fighting them, or even less. But it should be something. It feels bad to roleplay your character and avoid violence, only to deprive yourself of all XP for encounters.

13. Please add the option in settings (or directly from the equipment window) to hide our helmets. A lot of us want to see our characters’ hair and faces clearly, and the helmets don’t always look good on the characters.

14. Please consider adding more than one type of difficulty slider. Not just one for combat difficulty, but perhaps one for skill check difficulty, one for resting restrictions, and the one I want the most, which would be some kind of “economic difficulty” setting. This would reduce the number of usable items which drop in the game, and reduce the money you receive for selling items, while increasing how much you pay for items. Some of us feel like there’s just too much loot right now, and it’s overpowering everything. Being able to tone that down on an individual basis, without necessarily changing other elements of difficulty, would be really nice.

15. Please consider adding a random encounter system to the camp. When resting, there could be a chance of being attacked in the camp. Right now it just feels too safe and too fast and too easy to take a long rest at any time.

16. Please add Githzerai as a playable race. You could just have Gith as the base race, with Githyanki and Githzerai subraces. It would be great to see the interactions between a Githzerai and Lae’zel!

17. Please add a use for rope in the game. We find lots of rope, but right now it is useless. An awesome thing to add would be the ability to tie off a rope at certain locations, which could then be climbed up by our other party members like how we can climb ladders and vines now.

18. Please add value to the Acrobatics skill, as so far it seems useless. Specifically, give us an automatic Acrobatics check whenever we would take falling damage, to reduce the damage and stay on our feet instead of falling prone.

19. Please consider adding slings to the game as a weapon. Slings are such an important historical weapon, and they’re just cool. They could provide a nice alternative to crossbows for some classes. They can also be used with a shield, which is very nice.

20. Please consider adding a Search action to the game. This would allow us to spend a few seconds, with a progress bar similar to lockpicking (although searching would take longer) to roll new Perception or Investigation checks in our immediate area. It’s awful when you fail those, and there’s no way to ever find that thing after that. If we could spend 5 or 10 seconds searching, it would feel a lot better and give us the chance to eventually find hidden things at the expense of time.

21. Please add the ability to resize our personal containers (held pouches, backpacks, etc.) by dragging them to our desired size. Those tiny windows for the bags quickly become a pain once you have a lot of items in them.

22. Please add the ability to cancel the Light spell once cast.

23. Please consider making the weird potions from Ethel’s lair usable on throw, so we could toss one at a character and they would be affected by it, similar to how the Potion of Sleep currently works in the game. It would just be a fun little thing, not a big deal.


1. When we ambush attack someone from out of combat, it should always work if the attack hits. Sometimes when you do this, it initiates a dialogue or just starts combat, but the attacked character takes no damage. Sneak Attack damage should also always be applied in this case if conditions are met. Sometimes this doesn’t work.

2. Sometimes Sneak Attack does not deal its bonus damage, even when we have Advantage and don’t have Disadvantage. This seems to happen almost all the time (or all the time) when attacking from Hiding, with only that as an Advantage source. Backstab and higher ground usually work, but “threatened by our ally” and attacking from Hiding often do not.

3. Enemies are often “obscured by shadows” even though they are standing right next to a light source. This rarely happens with Dancing Lights, but it does happen with torches on the ground often, and the Light spell sometimes.

4. Entering the spores in the Underdark launches a cutscene, but if this happens with a lone, Hiding character, it should not break their stealth and immediately summon their entire party to that spot. It especially should not do this in such a way that it aggros a Minotaur, who then comes over and starts killing our party in real time while we are still stuck in the aforementioned cutscene.

5. Failures on lockpicking are using up two Thieves’ Tools instead of one.

6. The “Mobile Foe” effect from the Mobile feat does not seem to always work. Sometimes enemies still make an Opportunity Attack against the Mobile character even after the “Mobile Foe” effect has been applied.

7. Sometimes loading a save where characters were heavily encumbered results in them not being encumbered anymore, even while still carrying 747 pounds of stuff.

8. Using the Boots of Speed item’s "Click Heels" ability with Cunning Action: Dash and regular Dash actually REMOVES one of the Dashes, instead of adding to it. (So I can move 150 feet with two Dashes, but the third Dash actually brings it down to 100 feet.)

9. The “Masterwork Weapon” quest does not update in the journal after acquiring Sussur Bark.

10. The property of the Shortsword of First Blood item does not seem to work at all.

11. The “Investigate Kagha / Fight the Shadow Druids” quest doesn’t update in the journal even after finishing it.

12. Gale's companion quest (Wizard of Waterdeep) just mysteriously disappears from the journal at some point, for no discernable reason. It never comes back, even when pop-up text on the screen says that it has been updated.

13. In dialogue, Shadowheart mentions possibly using Ethel as a healer, even after we've killed Ethel.

14. In dialogue, Shadowheart mentions the goblin Gut even before we have ever met or heard of such a goblin.

15. In dialogue, Shadowheart still talks about going to Gut even after we've killed her.

16. In dialogue, Astarion at the party talks about how he killed a bunch of goblins, even if he was never in the party when we fought goblins.

17. If you take Astarion to kill the monster hunter, he has nothing to say about it afterward.

18. No matter how many Create Water spells and water barrels you use on the fire upstairs in the Waukeen's Rest inn, it never really goes out, it just keeps spreading anyway.

19. There is a book on a shelf on the second floor of the Waukeen's Rest inn, just by the stairs, that says that you cannot reach it no matter what, even if you stand on a crate inches away from it. (Also a bottle of wine and a painting on the wall there, same thing.)

20. Shadowheart's Mysterious Artifact keeps randomly moving to the main character's inventory on its own.

21. After going back to camp, the “Rescue the Grand Duke” quest updates in the journal to say "we didn't rescue anyone from the inn", despite the fact that we did rescue both possible people from the inn.

22. Having Wyll's eye in your possession does not give you any options to speak with Wyll about it in dialogue.

23. Sometimes the Bulette in the Underdark bugs out on the screen and doesn’t go away. It also doesn’t start combat, instead it just puts the game into turn-based mode except no one can act or pass turn and you’re just stuck like that forever. This happens seemingly every time on a certain ramp leading down, a bit northwest of the Selunite fort.

24. The “Kill Anders” quest will not complete in the journal after killing him. It still says to return to tell Karlach, but no matter how many times you tell her, the quest always stays uncompleted.

And that's it! This was really a lot, so if you read it all, thank you so much! I hope that the amazing developers at Larian Studios will consider making some of these changes.

Reenforcing these specific points. As I 💯% agree with these.

5. Please upgrade the map. It's ugly. Make it pretty.

10. Please separate Jump and Disengage. Especially in combat.

11. Please change the way we select spell levels from the hotbar. Instead of filling our bars with tons of different versions of each spell (I mean, how absurd is it gonna be when we have up to 5th level spells?), we should just be able to click on a single icon per spell, and then a sub-menu opens up to choose the casting level. Just like how Hex works now.

13. Please add more information to item tooltips. Not everything needs precise explanation. Experimenting is part of what makes this genre great. However after eating something multiple times, you should learn what it does and then the tool tip reveals what effects a certain ingredient does.

24. Please improve the functionality of the camp stash. Instead of just being a tiny little container window, make it a larger panel, with full sorting and filtering options. Once you have a lot of things in the current stash, it becomes a huge pain to deal with it.

28. Please remove the ability to consume food during combat. It destroys credulity to imagine taking the time to wolf down a whole pig’s head or rack of ribs in a couple of seconds, while fighting for your life. The ability to eat in combat also very much devalues both healing potions and actual cast healing spells.

12. Please add some XP for resolving encounters peacefully. It could be half as much as you would get for fighting them, or even less. But it should be something. It feels bad to roleplay your character and avoid violence, only to deprive yourself of all XP for encounters.

A major one for myself. This NEEEDS to get in the game.

17. Please add a use for ROPE in the game. We find lots of rope, but right now it is useless. An awesome thing to add would be the ability to tie off a rope at certain locations, which could then be climbed up by our other party members like how we can climb ladders and vines now. It would be governed by a skill in order to deploy rope as a useable traverse at certain places. Like you would need to be a certain class and have a certain level of skill to do so. Something like having a high dex and must be class of rogue, x, y, z, or comparable class.

Please consider adding a random encounter system to the camp. When resting, there could be a chance of being attacked in the camp. Right now it just feels too safe and too fast and too easy to take a long rest at any time.

Great write up. Although I don't agree with everything you have here, the above is definitely what I agree with.