I don't think many people think the game is actually bad, there is so much good work in it, all the visuals, animations, level building, the story seems promising... But I think many of us agree in that if it stays like this it will end up being disappointing and those ratings will be going down. After all the ratings are given with the promise or hope that some things will be fixed or reworked.

If this game only gets patches for bugs, stability and content without revamping some of the gameplay mechanics that the community has been requesting (like party management and size, combat features, inventory, camping, cantrips, scrolls, useless loot, lack of NPC reactions, and so many other things that we have been talking about in these forums) then the game will probably fail. Also is BG3 we are talking about, the expectations are higher because no one expects some other mediocre RPG, we are waiting for a game changer.

From what people learned from DOS 2 EA then it is very likely that they stick to their original plan and only add those ideas they already had in mind since day 1 and nothing more.