We have them, they don't.
And it makes us kinda OP in the end.
Enemys are just "lowly enemys"(?) and not like us, the maincast of this playable Movie, only we have the plotarmor previlige of...-
But that is exactly what is kinda wierd don't you think?
Why are we so special that we can just get back up again and again?
Sometimes from attacks wiping us with a number even higher as our whole HP pool?
And several times in a row too.
( #Redcaps & Minotaurs have an imba attack )
It can be very wierd to see someone stand back up like they were not just cleaved in two (apparently).
But as long as the deadsafes roll in, we are... well... safe.
Or because someone helps us on our feets again.
And of course we all knows the answer why: Cause these are the D&D rules. Part of its design.
Truly a very wierd design, which is sometimes a little immersion breaking.
You know something is abused or exploited if you let an ally intentionally on just 1 HP after "reviving" him,
cause you know the AI will focus that person again and again and you will protect other partymembers hitpoints with it.
And if you are in a battle with only 1 or 2 enemys left, you can use the halfdead companion "as a Tank" repeatedly.
His freshly to the ground falling body will reduce the danger for someone else to take in at least one guaranteed hit.
But it feels very wierd to stop myself from healing a freshly safed Ally up in battle,
cause I feel it is way more profitable to let this dude be SLAMMED DOWN several times in a row maybe, for how long it takes to defeat an encounter.
And only THEN, when we have won, I will heal that bloody, swollen mess up again by using up whatever precious ressources I just safed up to an unnatural extend.
These are the tiny parts of a game that reminds you in a bad way, that you are playing just a videogame and puts a stain on the magic of immersion.
I hope there will be a Hardmode or something that will either
1.) remove deadsafes entirely,
2.) add them up inevitably with each reduced healthpoints to 0.
As in, after the first reviving, if this characters gets dropped again there will already be one failed safe.
If the same thing happens again, there will already be two failed safes.
And should the same thing happen a 3rd time, the group member is dead instantly.
We have so much resurrection scrolls and this rezz-horny Lich-guy waiting for us in the camp as well.
This EarlyAcess is Easymode with a pacifier as a souvenier.

I hope that if at one point there will be difficulty mods in the game and one starts on EasyMode, they will have a pacifier in their inventory right from the start.
Item description:
" It gives you the feeling that you are sheltered and everything will be alright. "Hahahahaha.
I love games that bully their players for being too much of a coward. ^^