Originally Posted by Warlocke
Hey now, whips and chains require extra trust. You don’t go all Venus in Furs with just anyone.

I can assure you that as someone that knows D/s and BDSM that there are many many people that "just play". Desperation for fun does that. I settle for no illusion personally.

Personally I need to know someone very well, unless they show ZERO concerns or hesitation (rare but it does happen). And I get it done quickly to boot. Unless someone is more close minded. It's a matter of being direct and upfront. Getting straight answers. Being observant. Trust only goes so far. Hell, I don't even need a persons trust. I have facts and logic and get them to change their minds. Ask why too much. This applies across the board btw. Not just D/s. Communication is key.

See, here's the thing. People tend to operate with what they DO know instead of what they DON'T know. Due to Shadowheart's memory loss she's latching more onto what she knows. Anything unknown is more "scary" and "alien" to her. Has she even admitted that? This is like dealing with someone that wants THEIR preferences and wants to do THEIR way of doing things. Without exploring YOUR way. Without compromise. People that explore outside of their own comfort zones alone are more likely to find happiness. Because those people stop assuming the worst of what they don't know or understand. They stop generalising. They learn to coexist.

So going by this... Shadowheart worships Shar. Who deals with loss. So Shadowheart is used to being let down. Which makes me wonder about her past. This is where it gets interesting. All we can say for sure is that Shadowheart is afraid. Gets scared easily. So what happened to cause this? Other then her memories, what did Shadowheart lose? Perhaps something that caused her to remember something painful to the point she wanted to forget?

Last edited by Taramafor; 26/11/20 04:55 PM.