Originally Posted by drimaxus
I think what we are seeing different is that for you "success" is making money, if we speak in terms of sales yeah maybe BG3 will do great. But there is more than money to this, in a year where the next gen games are coming out and they had the chance to make the best RPG within this subgenre, to be narrow minded and end up making another 6 or 7 point mediocre game to some of us would be considered a failure (after all if Larian just wanted to make money they could have done another Battle Royale).

The problem is you don't allow for the possibility that many people already consider it a success.

Originally Posted by drimaxus

Compare it to the movie market, excellent movies like Blade Runner 2049 gave an 80 million dollar loss, and movies like Furious 7 are between the highest-grossing films. Can you really judge a product's quality by the amount of people that like it? But hey, no one criticizes you if you prefer Furious 7 commercial type of movies or games, some people settle for less and that is not bad.

So more people like FF7, but since you don't, they are idiots. Got it. So applying it to BG3, those of us that think it can't be anything but success and disagree with you are idiots too. LoL OK.

Originally Posted by drimaxus
if you get baited into inflammatory comments and can't keep a civilized conversation when someone doesn't agree with you then that is because you are insecure, it's no one else's fault.

Getting irritated with self-important people who are out of touch with reality does not mean I'm insecure. The fact that you feel that only your opinion matters seems to reek of insecurity to me.

Again if you don't like the game...cool. If you want to tell us what you think would make it better...cool. But to say that Larian must do X,Y, and/or Z or the game will fail is delusional.