Originally Posted by Drath Malorn
Originally Posted by Kaspr
Is it possible to choose between a female and a male narrator? I dislike the female one I hear in the gameplay videos, there's something obnoxious about that voice. I'd prefer a male narrator since I play a male PC.

The narrator isn't meant to be the PC, nor have a sex influenced by the PC's sex. To me the narrator is just the GM. It's Larian narrating what happens when narration is needed.

Choosing the narrator's voice is pure customisation. Larian might decide, at the end, to do a 2nd recording of all the narrator's line, to provide more customisation. But it would be like having a black-haired Astarion or choosing an alternative starting weapon for the clerics. I think it's far down the list of priorities, and I'd personally prefer it if Larian put their money elsewhere.

I fully support your opinion, there are more important things in the game than 100 variations of the narrator's voice (and other voices)

Thanks to Larian for Baldurs Gate 3 and the reaction to player feedback