Originally Posted by Dreygor6091
They are immersion breaking to those of us who actually know Forgotten realms lore. Those eof us who have read books and have played in this living breathing world for 30+ years now. Do portals exist in Toril, absolutely, are there 15 of them in one square mile....hell no. Think of them as Dragon age Aluviels (spelling). Extremely rare and very few and far between. To me this would be the same as putting in a modern railway system into the Lord of the rings setting. It makes zero sense and frankly ruins the lore of the world.

Ah okay I can get behind that one most easily.
Well - it's a videogame still. And this living breathing world is created by peoples imagination, unburdened by limiting game mechanics.

I personally don't care either way. Maybe because I am getting old or something I dunno.
But when I played Diablo 2 and always used a Townportal to just sell trash, I could still see it as... well... being a good sport about it or something.
Nowadays though? Meh.
Almost makes me wish to be able to just sell everything I pick up at a vendor instantly, even though there is no vendor actually there. wink
Maybe I am somehow rotting away in that regard.
But immersion can go many ways. Example:

When we watch LotR 1, the Fellowship is taking on this vast, tedious journey.
In a videogame, every Humanoid enemy they overcome, will gamewise drop its shitty trash weapon, maybe a few coins, or food, or gear.
And since the game is balanced around the expectation that you pick it up for selling later -> you pick it up.
But you have to be smart about it.
Cause you can only sell during certain vendor visits.
Imagine how annoying that would be, to actually put into a Movie. grin

Nobody wants to see that sh°t.
And to certain lenghts this goes for my gamer perspective too nowadays.
Also the goldprices in the Druidplace are MURDER.
So becoming a cleptomanic grabber comes even easier.

I would not want to miss my waypoints. Make it fasttravel without the magical runes, I don't care.
But either I want to get my money without all this tedious item grabbing, or I feel missing out on the waypoints is going to impact the gamequality negatively.