Joined: Oct 2020
I don't mind adult themes in my games generally but, I don't understand why I got soft porn going on in my D&D game. I had to end my sons game after titties were all over the screen... IDK, wtf?
Last edited by Stikyard; 30/11/20 12:29 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Unfortunately BioWare made it standard over the years. Sex sells, I suppose. I wish porn stayed in porn games and dating sim mechanics stayed in dating sims.
Joined: Jan 2018
The developers describe the content like this: “This Game may contain content not appropriate for all ages. It contains General Mature Content, and may include Nudity or Sexual Content.”
ESRB rating: M for Mature BLOOD AND GORE PARTIAL NUDITY SEXUAL CONTENT STRONG LANGUAGE VIOLENCE Buyer beware. Personally, I don’t like sex in my RPGs either, but if you look at games like Dragon Age and The Witcher it is clear that lots of people do. It’s pretty common for a major M rated RPG to have some sex content in the game.
Joined: Oct 2020
Well, I was planning on getting my son copy so we could play together around Christmas but, I think we will find something else. I agree, keep the porn in games meant for porn or... something.
Joined: Oct 2020
This game has a Mature rating. Maybe check before you let your son play 😁 That said I don't really see the added value of explicit sex in a dnd rpg either.
Joined: Oct 2020
I guess I was unaware how graphic they would go, he has more time to play than I do so he progressed further with the storyline. I won't be getting him a copy and I'm sad we wont be playing it together, oh well.
Joined: Jun 2019
I have not played more than a handful of computer games, but for those few, I do not recall ever thinking, "Wow, those sexy scenes and revealing wardrobes really made that a great game experience!" On the other hand, I will admit that if such things are prominently put forward in ads and screenshots, I will definitely turn my head to look. Damn those psychology degree majors, now everyone knows how to manipulate me!
The good news is that if BG III does turn out as good as its predecessors, then you will be playing it on and off for the next 20 years, and eventually your son will be able to handle it.
Joined: Sep 2015
And I wish people realized that there is nothing inherently inappropriate or dirty about sex that must be shamefully relegated to "porn games." Have you even seen any porn games, really? Because that's not what you choose if you want to watch mild erotica that doesn't even show genitalia.
You're all acting as if you are forced to go through an unskippable sex cutscene every time you load your save. You're given an option to pursue another character romantically, and you're free to decline it entirely or to skip the part that involves sex. What else do you want, to make sure that other players don't have the option? Why? Because you find it distasteful? There are plenty of people who find gore and violence distasteful, and with much better reasons, too; should the developers remove all violence-related visuals and perhaps all mentions of slavery and abuse? Is it because you, personally, aren't interested in romance-related content and would (selfishly) prefer it to be cut so that the developers can focus on something that better caters to you? Well, most players prefer to play as a Good-aligned human PC, it's not an opinion but a fact - should Larian scrap the option to play as any other type of character so that they can dedicate more resources to enriching the Good human protagonist experience?
Imagine starting a thread asking for something to be cut from the game because you don't personally enjoy it (or, well, because you think that your underage son can handle every other mature theme in an M-rated game other than naked breasts).
Joined: Oct 2020
Honestly, I don't mind sex. I don't mind it in things like Game of Thrones, or the setting in general. It happened. It's only certain closed minded groups that shun it. It makes perfect sense for it to be part and parcel for any fantasy setting, ever.
A game that was only made for that content though, are routinely terrible.
The comproise, however, would be a check box in the launcher* as I am personally not bothered by it... but it is DnD and it does cover all age groups. Child locking, proofing etc, should be a choice for any parent buying for someone under the M rating. Shouldn't be buying EA games for kids anyway, game isn't done. That's when nudity tends to sneak in and other bugs (even for games not M rating).
Joined: Mar 2020
At least if it makes sense and the romance dialogues are sensical. I hope what we experienced up to now was just an alpha-quick implementation, because it was bad for the most part (random nookie demands out of the blue and even a random threat from Laezel, which I laughed at).
Same for some Netflix series or even GoT : if the nudity and sexuality is there for the narration/story and character psychology, sure, but often it is added pretty much to sell using voyeurism. In my playthrough, I did not have any nudity, and I am quite fine with that. I am not prude: I am OK with nudity that makes sense, like a dryad NPC or if it makes sense in the situation.
Agreed that there could or maybe should be options : a) Setting to bypass nudity, so implied sensual visual :P b) Dialogue that says to your companions "my character is more into x/y or bisexual" OR "no thank you, I do not want a GF/BF nor any sexual adventure" (before companions go zealous out of nowhere after a few drinks).
NB for Gorto : I am suggesting this for ADULTS ... not that I care about this adult bullshit that I feel is a form of elitism. Why should teens not play this. We are in 2020 for fucks sake. I am 49 years old in Canada and not conservative in any way. It is called empathy.
Last edited by Baraz; 30/11/20 02:11 AM.
Joined: Nov 2020
the game is rated m for mature - it is not for children. there is no need for childproofing since it is m rated and not targeted towards children. It is m rated since there will be no childproofing. Do not buy mature games for your children. They are not child safe. Thats what mature means.
Also i fully agree with everything xarico has said
Joined: Oct 2020
Yeah, I'm not trying to step on toes. I've just been looking forward to this game. It's a pretty big title and, I enjoy playing games with my kids. We all enjoy D&D and RGP based games. I just personally won't buy another copy for my son. The old school BG's had some lewd humor but nothing like romantic sex scenes. Whatever floats yer boat, I guess.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Truthfully I'd be more worried about content from moddable games. Even with a good rating, game can be turned into something else.
Joined: Nov 2020
Joined: Nov 2020
To mod something there has to be intention, If the Intention to see mature content is there i dont think the first place they look will be modding lmao At that point i'd be more worried about other websites.
Joined: Jan 2018
And I wish people realized that there is nothing inherently inappropriate or dirty about sex that must be shamefully relegated to "porn games." Have you even seen any porn games, really? Because that's not what you choose if you want to watch mild erotica that doesn't even show genitalia.
You're all acting as if you are forced to go through an unskippable sex cutscene every time you load your save. You're given an option to pursue another character romantically, and you're free to decline it entirely or to skip the part that involves sex. What else do you want, to make sure that other players don't have the option? Why? Because you find it distasteful? There are plenty of people who find gore and violence distasteful, and with much better reasons, too; should the developers remove all violence-related visuals and perhaps all mentions of slavery and abuse? Is it because you, personally, aren't interested in romance-related content and would (selfishly) prefer it to be cut so that the developers can focus on something that better caters to you? Well, most players prefer to play as a Good-aligned human PC, it's not an opinion but a fact - should Larian scrap the option to play as any other type of character so that they can dedicate more resources to enriching the Good human protagonist experience?
Imagine starting a thread asking for something to be cut from the game because you don't personally enjoy it (or, well, because you think that your underage son can handle every other mature theme in an M-rated game other than naked breasts). Literally nobody has suggested that the content should not be included in the game. Calm down.
Joined: Oct 2020
There were definitely opportunities to have sex in BGII. More or less graphic depending on your hero and choice of who you slept with. However, being primarily text-based it was not visually graphic. I'm not old enough to know if that was considered controversial at the time and have no desire to check on the internet, but I would venture to say there is a large number of people who enjoy the romance options. Especially when looking at the numbers Larian posted about EA romance.
However, I will say that their idea seems to be that you can more or less opt out of it -- unlike one of the dragon age games where a friend of mine said she was playing and saying nice things and her chick ends up in bed with another chick and had no idea how it came to be. As for the nudity, I personally don't care. I can see the appeal for a filter (say you want to play the game and there are underage children in your house), but it wouldn't be something I would use.
But back to the OP statement. I don't know how old your son is. I also don't know what you consider soft-core. However, if it's just topless women, I can see that on a PG-13 (13+) film, but it's an M(17+) rating in video games. Either way, if you want/need to censor what your son plays, then I suggest you do research on forums for parental reviews prior to letting him purchase or play a game. I imagine you could have a discussion, set boundaries, and play Co-op, but if not then that's up to you. Best of luck.
Joined: Nov 2020
I guess I was unaware how graphic they would go, he has more time to play than I do so he progressed further with the storyline. I won't be getting him a copy and I'm sad we wont be playing it together, oh well. But whats the problem here. If he joins your game then you do all the talking with the companions, at least for now. No one really throw sex without your permission, companions won't rape MC. About ratings and so on, who never played gta as kiddo?
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
I don't mind adult themes in my games generally but, I don't understand why I got soft porn going on in my D&D game. I had to end my sons game after titties were all over the screen... IDK, wtf? So you are ok with him playing a game with child murder and torture but a set of fictional boobs and you take away his game?
Joined: Oct 2020
I guess I was unaware how graphic they would go, he has more time to play than I do so he progressed further with the storyline. I won't be getting him a copy and I'm sad we wont be playing it together, oh well. But whats the problem here. If he joins your game then you do all the talking with the companions, at least for now. No one really throw sex without your permission, companions won't rape MC. About ratings and so on, who never played gta as kiddo? the problem is his son can play the game without him present and take his chance to see the boobies. Because let's face it this game won't have genitals doing the nasty. Honestly if a kid wants to see boobs in this day and age the potential exposure is nearly limitless.