I don't agree with OP.

The game is clearly targeted as Mature.

Sex choices are optional, you can just skip any proposal regarding it.

If you do choose sex, the game is not filled with it, I'm into thirty hours now and only things I notice were suggestions and proposals made during camp rest. It took no more than five minutes from 30 hours.

For all the awful things that can be done in the game, including children and families slaughtering, sex should be the last of things to worry about.

Sex is not gratuitious here, these are characters that were enslaved, tortured, beaten and can still go through a gruesome death. Consented physical pleasure seems quite an healthy option to deal with it.

It comes more as a side note, but these kind of issues always remind me one discussion led by one of Comic's Great Ones, John Byrne, where he told his issues regarding how Wolverine could be shown slicing and maiming enemies, but even the suggestion of sex was a huge No-No-No-No

Last edited by Samshell; 30/11/20 08:43 AM.