The TW3 system would be fine.

My main problem with the current system is not fast travel between waypoints, its that you can go to camp and back every moment.
Especially when the camp is not a place on the map, even though other people can go and stay there.

My suggestion:
- Fast travel in TW3 style
- Your camp is also a fast travel point, so you have to go to another point and travel if you want to rest.
- You do a long rest by selecting a bed or the campfire while you are in the camp.

For me it feels just wrong that I can teleport my party from almost every point to almost every other location at once without problems.

PS: I miss the teleport pyramids from the previous divinity games.
Are such items consistent with DnD lore?

groovy Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist groovy

World leading expert of artificial stupidity.
Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already :hihi: