Joined: Mar 2013
im going to go against the grain here: COOMers. Unironically.
I dont have an issue with sexulization in games, however turning everything into an HBO Series with explicit sex scenes is significantly unsexy if you ask me. They just dont work in a PC game. i had the same problem with wticher, they dotn work well.
Joined: Feb 2018
[b][/b] And I wish people realized that there is nothing inherently inappropriate or dirty about sex that must be shamefully relegated to "porn games." Have you even seen any porn games, really? Because that's not what you choose if you want to watch mild erotica that doesn't even show genitalia.
You're all acting as if you are forced to go through an unskippable sex cutscene every time you load your save. You're given an option to pursue another character romantically, and you're free to decline it entirely or to skip the part that involves sex. What else do you want, to make sure that other players don't have the option? Why? Because you find it distasteful? There are plenty of people who find gore and violence distasteful, and with much better reasons, too; should the developers remove all violence-related visuals and perhaps all mentions of slavery and abuse? Is it because you, personally, aren't interested in romance-related content and would (selfishly) prefer it to be cut so that the developers can focus on something that better caters to you? Well, most players prefer to play as a Good-aligned human PC, it's not an opinion but a fact - should Larian scrap the option to play as any other type of character so that they can dedicate more resources to enriching the Good human protagonist experience?
Imagine starting a thread asking for something to be cut from the game because you don't personally enjoy it (or, well, because you think that your underage son can handle every other mature theme in an M-rated game other than naked breasts). This, this a thousand times this. If I could like or upvote or star or give "gold" or whatever I would. This comment wins the interwebz today. Video games with a Mature rating and up are NOT FOR KIDS!!! Also, I am legitimately confused about which people were playing D&D etc and NOT getting into one situation minimum per session that involved extremely compromising situations with gazebos, orcs, demons and random misused spellcraft. I mean... I CAN'T be the ONLY person out there who played RPG table top games drunk off my ass in my miss-spent youth! It's just how it works. Just ask Critical Role! Also, sex should NEVER be something shameful. Just sayin. *** apologies for the capitals, the bold code wouldn't work and I'm feeling emphatic. 
Last edited by asheraa; 30/11/20 02:46 PM. Reason: code issues
Joined: Jun 2019
Gazebos ?!! ooooh ...
(*faints while clutching pearls*)
Joined: Oct 2020
And I wish people realized that there is nothing inherently inappropriate or dirty about sex that must be shamefully relegated to "porn games." Have you even seen any porn games, really? Because that's not what you choose if you want to watch mild erotica that doesn't even show genitalia.
You're all acting as if you are forced to go through an unskippable sex cutscene every time you load your save. You're given an option to pursue another character romantically, and you're free to decline it entirely or to skip the part that involves sex. What else do you want, to make sure that other players don't have the option? Why? Because you find it distasteful? There are plenty of people who find gore and violence distasteful, and with much better reasons, too; should the developers remove all violence-related visuals and perhaps all mentions of slavery and abuse? Is it because you, personally, aren't interested in romance-related content and would (selfishly) prefer it to be cut so that the developers can focus on something that better caters to you? Well, most players prefer to play as a Good-aligned human PC, it's not an opinion but a fact - should Larian scrap the option to play as any other type of character so that they can dedicate more resources to enriching the Good human protagonist experience?
Imagine starting a thread asking for something to be cut from the game because you don't personally enjoy it (or, well, because you think that your underage son can handle every other mature theme in an M-rated game other than naked breasts). Well written! +1
Joined: Feb 2018
Joined: Oct 2020
Honestly the sex scenes in this game aren't something i haven't seen all that much.
I usually just select Shadowheart and the only thing I see is this really sweet intimate moment. I think romance scenes should focus on that, some pixels going at it doesn't do it for me.
I am happy they are using mocap for these romance scenes because there are subtle gestures that most animations miss unless they put in absurd amount of time into it.
The purpose of these romance scenes aren't to be pornographic but romantic. Now take your own interpretation of what that means but whatever it is I don't think anyone could mistake it for porn.
As for the OPs situation, yeah its understandable. I don't mind the romance scenes either but I would also be super awkward to if watching something intimate like that on screen with my father. So I understand your son's distress, I think this is a solid game to play with your son and its easy to skip these scenes.
Joined: Feb 2020
And I wish people realized that there is nothing inherently inappropriate or dirty about sex that must be shamefully relegated to "porn games." Have you even seen any porn games, really? Because that's not what you choose if you want to watch mild erotica that doesn't even show genitalia.
You're all acting as if you are forced to go through an unskippable sex cutscene every time you load your save. You're given an option to pursue another character romantically, and you're free to decline it entirely or to skip the part that involves sex. What else do you want, to make sure that other players don't have the option? Why? Because you find it distasteful? There are plenty of people who find gore and violence distasteful, and with much better reasons, too; should the developers remove all violence-related visuals and perhaps all mentions of slavery and abuse? Is it because you, personally, aren't interested in romance-related content and would (selfishly) prefer it to be cut so that the developers can focus on something that better caters to you? Well, most players prefer to play as a Good-aligned human PC, it's not an opinion but a fact - should Larian scrap the option to play as any other type of character so that they can dedicate more resources to enriching the Good human protagonist experience?
Imagine starting a thread asking for something to be cut from the game because you don't personally enjoy it (or, well, because you think that your underage son can handle every other mature theme in an M-rated game other than naked breasts). This, this a thousand times this. If I could like or upvote or star or give "gold" or whatever I would. This comment wins the interwebz today. Video games with a Mature rating and up are NOT FOR KIDS!!! Also, I am legitimately confused about which people were playing D&D etc and NOT getting into one situation minimum per session that involved extremely compromising situations with gazebos, orcs, demons and random misused spellcraft. I mean... I CAN'T be the ONLY person out there who played RPG table top games drunk off my ass in my miss-spent youth! It's just how it works. Just ask Critical Role! Also, sex should NEVER be something shameful. Just sayin. *** apologies for the capitals, the bold code wouldn't work and I'm feeling emphatic.  If Baldur's Gate 3 were rated T for Teen, I would expect romance scenes to fade to black, but this is rated M for Mature. This game is NOT for kids. I don't know how old the OP's kid is, but I am far more angry at them for complaining about the game's content when the game was clearly labeled. And this is before I get into my personal ideologies about what content should be classified as "mature". As brought up multiple times, this game doesn't exactly have explicit sex scenes; i.e. no genitalia or visual penetration. On the other hand, this game has content that I believe is far more egregious than showing shirtless characters; for example, allowing you to murder children.
Joined: Oct 2020
This game is rated M for mature which means it is not meant for kids.
Their is nothing wrong or inappropriate about sex nothing to be shamed of that they MUST be relegated to porn games, every time I hear that I cringe. Sex sales and it always will sale and will be in video games, like Witcher 3, Mass Effect, Dragon Age Origins and any others that I miss
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
I wasnt really going to go into detail but, I've gotten some serious responses and I should clear some things up.
First of all, I'm not suggesting anything should be removed. I can set a standard for my children and, a game where the characters are trying to sleep with eachother is not content I'm interested in for children.
My son was embarrassed by the dialogue and options being presented. He was running an evil campaign and had made completely different choices than my game. I was totally unaware of the graphic romance in this game. I figured at most, characters might hook up, maybe see them lay together and, some adult humor.
I was a bit surprised when he's skipping through romantic scenes and asking me "what is this game?". I didnt expect it from a D&D title. We are nerds, I play tabletop with my kids. We play the old BG's and Neverwinter.
Romance is usually dealt with tact and discreet humor... not anymore apparently. As soon as you go to the steam page this shows up: THIS GAME MAY CONTAIN CONTENT NOT APPROPRIATE FOR ALL AGES, OR MAY NOT BE APPROPRIATE FOR VIEWING AT WORK.You have to accept that message to enter the store page and on the bottom: MATURE CONTENT DESCRIPTION The developers describe the content like this:
This Game may contain content not appropriate for all ages. It contains General Mature Content, and may include Nudity or Sexual Content.You getting on the forums and complaining IS YOUR OWN FAULT!!!! BE A RESPONSIBLE ADULT and NOT half *** it if you really want to sensor what they see. This was in your face right at the door, GROW UP and take responsibility for your own actions or lack there of.
Last edited by fallenj; 30/11/20 04:38 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
May I ask how old the son who was mentioned is? Roughly? I mean the sex or romance scene happens after the game asks you something like who do you want to spend the night with. What did he think was going to happen?
Anyway as has been mentioned the game is rated M. If you want your son or whomever to play the game you've been warned.
Joined: Mar 2020
The fact that it is M doesn't mean you must have sex scenes. If you just put sex scenes to shout "Look at me! I'm an adult game!" it is not very adult. it's quite childish in fact.
Joined: Oct 2020
Not saying it has have to them. Many M rated games don't have them. But when a game is rated M and also says sexual content and partial nudity you've been warned.
Joined: Oct 2020
I can't seem to find an actual reliable source of what M rating in video game means. Though I did find an article and it says that M Rating is for people older than 17 years old.
That M Rating contains
Even greater amounts of violence of blood and gore and sexual content like sex and nudity
Also OP if you bought this from steam you will get a popup/notification that says this before you can even go to the actual page.
(This Game May Contain Content Not Appropriate For All Ages, Or May Not Be Appropriate For Viewing At Work.)
The developers describe the content like this:
"This Game may contain content not appropriate for all ages. It contains General Mature Content, and may include Nudity or Sexual Content."
then it asks for you birthday just to continue to enter into the actual page on steam.
Joined: Nov 2020
Frankly, I don't care what the game's rating is, it can be M for mature, I still think that if you can't make it good, just give us fade to black. All I want is a good game, if you can't do that without sex-scenes, that's kindof a problem in and of itself, I mean I sure know that sex-scenes are not what FR or BG are about. I don't mind a well written romance-plot or even a proper hookup, but let's not try to make this the game's selling point, because it's not going to work, in fact, I would rather have ALL romances be cut and have a good main storyline if it comes to that. It's almost as if all games today have to go through a set of checkboxes to appeal to as wide an audience as possible, but sadly that unevitably leads to a decrease in quality at the expense of roleplay-immersion and storytelling. Some people in this thread seem to think that promoting sex scenes is somehow a rebellious or minority opinion somehow, when in fact it's basically in every video game now. Larian would actually be brave not to include them the same way it would be brave for them to have a silent protagonist or to stick with oldschool pirnciples or roleplaying.
I don't care about having sex-scenes, Baldurs Gate should never revolve around a dumb romance plot.
Joined: Oct 2020
They are going to add a censorship button for Twitch so I'm sure that button will apply to sessions where you don't want mature content, also.
Joined: Oct 2020
Well, I was planning on getting my son copy so we could play together around Christmas but, I think we will find something else. I agree, keep the porn in games meant for porn or... something. This may not be your situation but even if it is please listen to the message rather than taking offense. I've noticed over the years that many parents with this reaction to sex in video games have no problem letting their child play violent games like Battlefield and Call of Duty. I think attitudes about sexuality really need to change. Most parents feel like bare breasts are more harmful to a child than blood and gore. I did not allow my children to play video games portraying human to human violence until they were about 12/13, I did allow them to play Doom much earlier though and my children turned out fine. I let them play Grand Theft Auto in their tweens as well with no harm to their psyche. I also talked to my children about drugs in a way that most parents are afraid to do. I told them about the harm of some of the more potent drugs. I told them how I felt pot should be legalized, and I told them I would rather they didn't experiment with drugs, but if they did I would rather they do it in the home so their parents were there to help them if something went wrong. Neither of my children bothered with drugs. You protect your children with education, not prohibition.
Joined: Feb 2020
Frankly, I don't care what the game's rating is, it can be M for mature, I still think that if you can't make it good, just give us fade to black. All I want is a good game, if you can't do that without sex-scenes, that's kindof a problem in and of itself, I mean I sure know that sex-scenes are not what FR or BG are about. I don't mind a well written romance-plot or even a proper hookup, but let's not try to make this the game's selling point, because it's not going to work, in fact, I would rather have ALL romances be cut and have a good main storyline if it comes to that. It's almost as if all games today have to go through a set of checkboxes to appeal to as wide an audience as possible, but sadly that unevitably leads to a decrease in quality at the expense of roleplay-immersion and storytelling. Some people in this thread seem to think that promoting sex scenes is somehow a rebellious or minority opinion somehow, when in fact it's basically in every video game now. Larian would actually be brave not to include them the same way it would be brave for them to have a silent protagonist or to stick with oldschool pirnciples or roleplaying.
I don't care about having sex-scenes, Baldurs Gate should never revolve around a dumb romance plot. I don't think that anyone is saying that an M-rated game is obligated or made better by including sex-scenes; Hell, I am not even saying that Game of Thrones is better by including sex-scenes or nudity; However, the OP coming here to complain about them is to me the same thing as them purchasing an adult film and then complaining to the store that it had nudity. I don't know, maybe next time the OP should look at the rating before purchasing. Again, it doesn't help that we don't know how old the OP's child is, my niece started playing video games at 4-years old (I mean it was Castle Crashers, but still counts), so I don't know if this was just a child child (4-12), a teen child (13-17), or an adult child (18+).
Joined: Sep 2020
In this thread: A puritanical world view combined with a failure to respect the ESRB rating results in a kid learning about the birds and the bees. You're not concerned with people arbitrarily killing children, casual profanity, and ritualistic BDSM, but you draw the line at physical intimacy? This post should be pinned for posterity. This is hilarious. 
I don't want to fall to bits 'cos of excess existential thought.
Cleric of Innuendo
Cleric of Innuendo
Joined: Oct 2020
Do not attack people for their personal moral views. They may be different to your own, but that does not make them less valid.
Likewise, don't assume other people's views on aspects of the game.
Joined: Feb 2020
In this thread: A puritanical world view combined with a failure to respect the ESRB rating results in a kid learning about the birds and the bees. You're not concerned with people arbitrarily killing children, casual profanity, and ritualistic BDSM, but you draw the line at physical intimacy? This post should be pinned for posterity. This is hilarious.  It reminds me of that time when parents took their children to see Deadpool in theatres, despite the numerous warnings that it was rated R, and then stormed out mid-film angry about how it "wasn't appropriate for children". No shit. That is why it was rated R.