Originally Posted by Stikyard
More class options > animated sex scenes. Sacrificing resources for something that isn't even important and restricts your market.

Originally Posted by Stikyard
The relationships are horribly written, they just throw themselves at you for no reason. And it does restrict your market. I would have purchased two more copies myself.

Can you just go ahead and say that you made a parenting error and be done with it? The amount of pride and entitlement here is staggering.
There's this underlying expectation in your last few comments where you're trying to inspire some action because you're convinced that pointing out that "the company's bottom line may be affected" is going to cause a change that suits you because you're not ready to have a conversation about sex with your child yet.

Larian isn't going to panic just because you brazenly disregard ratings and warnings and therefore won't be buying 36 copies of the game from them.
Swen isn't sitting in his office right now clutching his pearls over this no matter how many more times you mention that their audacity is causing them to "miss out on potential sales."
They know what they're doing. For every parent who doesn't understand how the ESRB works and gets flustered that their precious child was subjected to something shocking, there are ten more people out there willing to buy it because of that something shocking.

I don't want to fall to bits 'cos of excess existential thought.