Originally Posted by Stikyard
It does take resources away from anything else because they had to pay someone to animate awkward sex scenes in a D&D game.

Ugh it's really not how it works. It's like saying putting outdoor seating in a new restaurant is "taking away from the kitchen budget". No it's not. They are DIFFERENT resource allocations with DIFFERENT budgets. It absolutely doesn't take away from anything else. If it was left out of the game, those resources simply would not have been budgeted for in the first place so the funds would not have been raised in the first place. They wouldn't have been entered on a cost benefit proposal, and investors would not have had to cough up as much money for "the game production".

To say that the theoretically non budgeted, non financed, and therefore essentially NON EXISTENT funds are being 'stolen' from 'more important' parts of the game is beyond being a stretch to being straight up fiction.

That's just not how business and finance works.