Originally Posted by SkinnyShin
This is actually some of the most piss poor communication I have ever seen in an EA title. It doesn't take but one minute to post something on twitter, this is not good business and no way to treat customers who PAID to QA your game. Get your act together.

100% fact. I love Larian and I understand that we bought an Early Access game, but we did spend $60 on this game, and are essentially in a limbo right now where we can't even play it at all for an extended period of time because anything we do will be wiped out. That is part of the process, and it will happen again, but there is zero excuse for such lack of communication. There should be community managers/etc in these forums and on social media explaining where they are in the process, how long to expect to wait, and maybe even give a glimpse at the patch notes. At the very least, just a ballpark ETA of "days," "weeks," etc. I am disappointed right now for sure.