Joined: Sep 2019
One thing i would like to see is like a new hardmode that makes critical fails matter. You should get punished for rolling a 1 like in dnd. If you shoot a spell and roll a 1 the spell maybe explodes in your palm? If you try to hit someone with a mele weapon you could maybe fall down or something like that.
Joined: Oct 2020
Crit fails are homebrew rules. In 5e a 1 is an automatic miss on an attack roll, even if bonuses should mean you hit.
Also, a 5% chance of something detrimental happening is way to often.
Joined: Jan 2018
On table top you don’t get in combat as often as video games, mostly because combat takes longer with a group of people talking around a table. On the rare occasions that a fumble happens in tabletop and I snap my bowstring or drop my weapon I am not overly bothered by it, but since combat is more frequent in a computer game and thus so are fumbles, I would find it quite vexing to be constantly punished in this way.
Joined: Oct 2020
Gods forbids. I should be punished for my conscious actions like taunting an ancient dragon, not for rolling an unlucky number on the dice
Joined: Oct 2020
This always sounds like a lot of fun in lower levels, but once fighters have multiple attacks and fail on more than one the fun kinda stops especially when you have enemies that can give you disadvantage on rolls
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Crit fails already matter. A natural one is a guaranteed miss no matter the modified result, exactly like it is in the 5ed rules. We don't need them to add more punishment than that.
Optimistically Apocalyptic
Joined: Oct 2020
I agree, a critical fail should allow for an attack of opportunity of the enemy. Its supposed to be something very serious. And a super critical success (20 ) should be more than a critical hit, too.
If it's what it's takes to save the world, then the world doesn't deserves to be saved - Geralt
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
It would give the game more depth & nothing ever goes right usually. Weapon / armor braking or weapons getting stuck in objects. Getting stuck in mud or tripping over your own feet.
Really doubt anything like that will be implemented though.
Joined: Nov 2020
I disagree. 5e RAW a 1 on an attack roll is a miss. That's it. A 1 on an ability check has no particular significance; if you succeed with modifies, you succeed, if not, you fail.
For as many dice as you roll in a combat, 1's will happen (5% of the time to be precise) , it would get really tiresome to have a significant negative impact for each roll (losing hit points, having to replace a piece of equipment, getting attacked an additional time...) every 20th roll. An automatic miss, regardless of modifiers, is enough.
Maybe if we were rolling percentile dice (d100) than a 1 or a 100 should be a bigger deal. Or maybe on a natural 1 during combat you roll a second d20 to see if something bad happens. But not every time.
I lose track of how many time I see 'critical miss' flash on the screen. It seems like more than 5%, and a lot more often than 'critical hit,' but I don't have numbers to prove that, so it could just be an observational bias.
Joined: Oct 2020
Weapon breaks in half, character sharts their robes then the game c2ds every time you roll a 1.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
I disagree. 5e RAW a 1 on an attack roll is a miss. That's it. A 1 on an ability check has no particular significance; if you succeed with modifies, you succeed, if not, you fail.
For as many dice as you roll in a combat, 1's will happen (5% of the time to be precise) , it would get really tiresome to have a significant negative impact for each roll (losing hit points, having to replace a piece of equipment, getting attacked an additional time...) every 20th roll. An automatic miss, regardless of modifiers, is enough.
Maybe if we were rolling percentile dice (d100) than a 1 or a 100 should be a bigger deal. Or maybe on a natural 1 during combat you roll a second d20 to see if something bad happens. But not every time.
I lose track of how many time I see 'critical miss' flash on the screen. It seems like more than 5%, and a lot more often than 'critical hit,' but I don't have numbers to prove that, so it could just be an observational bias. So much this. Any reasonable critical fail table have you at least roll to confirm a critical miss. 5% is a lot.
Optimistically Apocalyptic
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
I disagree. 5e RAW a 1 on an attack roll is a miss. That's it. A 1 on an ability check has no particular significance; if you succeed with modifies, you succeed, if not, you fail.
For as many dice as you roll in a combat, 1's will happen (5% of the time to be precise) , it would get really tiresome to have a significant negative impact for each roll (losing hit points, having to replace a piece of equipment, getting attacked an additional time...) every 20th roll. An automatic miss, regardless of modifiers, is enough.
Maybe if we were rolling percentile dice (d100) than a 1 or a 100 should be a bigger deal. Or maybe on a natural 1 during combat you roll a second d20 to see if something bad happens. But not every time.
I lose track of how many time I see 'critical miss' flash on the screen. It seems like more than 5%, and a lot more often than 'critical hit,' but I don't have numbers to prove that, so it could just be an observational bias. So much this. Any reasonable critical fail table have you at least roll to confirm a critical miss. 5% is a lot. I don't know, I think it would be more entertaining if it was swapped from combat to skill checks for critical fails since this is a video game.
Joined: Sep 2020
They should go the Pathfinder: Kingmaker route on this one and just include it as something that you can custom tailor and should absolutely not be a base rule. I can't imagine that a majority of the playerbase would enjoy catastrophic consequences for failing in a system purely driven by RNG.
I don't want to fall to bits 'cos of excess existential thought.
Joined: Nov 2020
I'm against this. Why waste time making more punishments instead of making more ways to have fun? Seems too masochistic for my tastes.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
I'm against this. Why waste time making more punishments instead of making more ways to have fun? Seems too masochistic for my tastes. Why not? It would increase difficulty a bit.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Weapon breaks in half, character sharts their robes then the game c2ds every time you roll a 1. That's it? No deleting the game off your hard drive automatically? No installing malware on the player's PC? No sending the SWAT team to the player's house? Carebear.
Joined: Feb 2018
Welp.. if it makes you feel any better... I failed a few innocent seeming rolls after entering the druids grove and kinda ended up wiping out the whole town? Only ones left standing were a handfull of kids in a cave. Now I have to go wipe out the goblins on principle, I lost two companions, and my only chance at getting lucky is to join the absolute. I've accidentally killed off everyone!!!! I'M A MONSTER!!!!!!! So, depending on the crit fail, they do matter. If you let the fails fall where they may! 
Joined: Nov 2020
I'm against this. Why waste time making more punishments instead of making more ways to have fun? Seems too masochistic for my tastes. Why not? It would increase difficulty a bit. Why do you need more difficulty? Is that how you have fun? It is most certainly not how I have fun. I'd rather do things like have different scenes depending of dice ranges. 1 gets a scene, 2-6, 7-12, etc. No need to punish someone for playing a game of chance and then breaking the players stuff or whatever you had in mind. It's basically saying "hey I'm randomly going to shoot you rollette style". You gain nothing but have a chance to lose everything all on luck. Increasing difficulty does not increase the value of an experience. Punishment only makes a false sense of worth in a hobby about having fun. Things like increasing reactivity, interactivity, and just general immersion in both actual gameplay and cutscenes leads to a better experience. Increasing punishment only leads to spite, elitism, and a false sense of accomplishment. A guaranteed miss is enough. I enjoy dnd lore but I hate the gambling addict side of the franchise.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
I'm against this. Why waste time making more punishments instead of making more ways to have fun? Seems too masochistic for my tastes. Why not? It would increase difficulty a bit. Why do you need more difficulty? Is that how you have fun? It is most certainly not how I have fun. I'd rather do things like have different scenes depending of dice ranges. 1 gets a scene, 2-6, 7-12, etc. No need to punish someone for playing a game of chance and then breaking the players stuff or whatever you had in mind. It's basically saying "hey I'm randomly going to shoot you rollette style". You gain nothing but have a chance to lose everything all on luck. Increasing difficulty does not increase the value of an experience. Punishment only makes a false sense of worth in a hobby about having fun. Things like increasing reactivity, interactivity, and just general immersion in both actual gameplay and cutscenes leads to a better experience. Increasing punishment only leads to spite, elitism, and a false sense of accomplishment. A guaranteed miss is enough. I enjoy dnd lore but I hate the gambling addict side of the franchise. You should read the forums more often, people talk about higher level difficulty periodically. So ya, people like being challenged.
Joined: Nov 2020
So? Who is people? That is a flimsy slippery slope that's not really saying anything. "People don't like being punished, so ya". See it means nothing. Saying abstract things does not make you have a point.