Originally Posted by Maerd
I'm so tired of the fake outrage about 'representation' of some humans subgroups in alien races. What's next? Demanding 2 meters tall Korean-looking dwarfs because it doesn't represent 'me'? Non-human races are not supposed to represent you as a player in any form. All non-human races should not look human. Pick humans or half-humans if you want to model yourself. Nowadays many companies think the 'representation' will make their games good. It won't. They should focus on the plot and scenarios and ignore people with ridiculous demands.

Originally Posted by A Clown

Agreed! I like the way the elves look in this! It's almost like DAI

DAI is garbage, nothing to be worth aiming to.

Originally Posted by Nyloth
Don't touch the elves, they look great. Just make humans uglier!

No, they don't look great. They are just humans in BG3.

It was a joke, but actually I'm completely happy with Astarion's appearance and don't want to see him more "alien". And yes, if you change elves in character creator, you will probably have to change companions as well. I am absolutely against it.

I don't speak english well, but I try my best. Ty