>I dont see it
My dude.
I dont know what to tell you, maybe we ought to turn it into one of those little maths diagrams for high school.

>DND is a great ruleset that doenst need house rules to improve it

Remind yourself that FEATS are an optional rule in 5e.
Remind yourself that charging does not exist without feat tax, feats that, as i pointed out, are an OPTIONAL rule.
Remind yourself that Ranger exists in its current form.
Remind yourself that the Champion fighter somehow exists.
Remind yourself that the Paladin is considered balanced

And thats just the most basic things. 5e is not a well designed game and it DEFINITLY is not robust, which the entire Paladin / Warlock conundrem illustrates niceley.

This is not about balance. I dont like "Balanceman"s approach either. but 5e just has so many thigns that are poorly thought out.
Why is an entire subsystem of the game relegated to battlemaster?
Why is attacking the enemy first in a 1 on 1 melee encounter discouraged?
Why is are there, now up from 2, 3 different paces of adventuring? how was "20 minute adventuring day wizards versus all around fighters" not annoying enaugh that you also had to include "short rest warlock nonsense" in there to clutter up the group dynamic even more?
How is HP bloat in any way a good idea when you also have stuff like bounded accuracy?
Why is having to cross reference monster statblcoks because they dont just tell you what that stuff does a thing again. Not still, AGAIN, this was resolved but they put it back in!
How are there choatic evil paladins?

5e is a barebones mess of a system and ive not seen it been runw ithout houserules yet. Even those that thought they were running it RAW accidently put in stuff from earlier editions like charging or other ways in which critical hits work.