Day 3 – Ring the changesI woke up remembering another strange dream – this time my goddess showed me a dark crevice in a cluster of rocks outside the inn. I somehow knew there was something interesting there. She wanted me to have it.
Nice room. Really nice room, which is good, considering the cost. Me and Imoen decided to stay here for another day – that second assassin has some magic scrolls on him, spells I’ve never seen before so I wanted to spend some time trying to learn them. Which I did! Easy as apple pie. Now I can cast a magic missile and make flames shoot out of my hands, that’s so cool. Only problem being that I still can only cast two spells before I am completely exhausted and have to sleep and I don’t want to give up my bindness spell. Imoen says I need to "work on my stamina" and i said like, girl we walked a million miles to get here, how much stamina working do you want me to do. Then I ordering some room service.
More spells, more power to Arwen (me)While I was learning the spells Imoen wandered off and It was only later that I found out that she had been stealing anything that wasn’t bolted down from the guests in the inn. Typical Imoen. She came back with some nice armour she had “found” in a chest. The other thing she found were a couple of rubes who wanted us to do things for them. Some old lady said she would pay anyone who could get rid of the spiders in her house, in Beregost (which is apparently south of here). I said eww, no way, aren’t there like people who’s job it is to do that? I do NOT like spiders. The other one was some rich idiot who somehow lost his belt when he met an ogre. I really really REALLY do not want to know how you lose you belt when you encounter an ogre. Nor do I want to meet an ogre tbh.
Anyway, me and Imoen decided to go for a walk outside the Inn grounds, to follow up on my dream. And what do you know, there was a magic ring tucked down between some boulders. This thing is the shit. I can literally feel it increasing my spellcasting power. I can cast a whole four, yeah four, spells now. Amazing. I stocked up on another blindness since that one rocks, and some magical armour, because I was hella jelly of imoen’s new leather armour and wanted some of my own. Yeah. No one is going to be a strong as me soon.
I have no idea how this ring got in here, but I know exactly how I got it out
It’s called evermemory apparently, this one’s a keeperThat afternoon we wandered round the north end of the Inn and you are never going to guess what. There were all these like, “hobgoblins,” I think I got that right because I’ve only ever seen them in books. They ATTACKED me and Imoen, fucking wow Is everyone outside of candlekeep an angry monster? But, with my magic armour, and my magic shield, and my actual shield and my divine club I am pretty much invincible so I smashed their brains in while imoen filled them full of arrows. Starting to think that yeah, its possible to be a badass in this world. We killed a whole five hobgoblins, then we lugged all the crap they had on them back to the inn to flog for cashmoney.
They had an engraved ring on them, which tbh wasn’t worth very much at all so in the end I gave it back to the peasant who claimed she’d lost it, thought it might get me a bit of goodwill with the local
morons people.
The other big thing we did today was meet “Jaheira” and “Khalid”, who Gorion told me to find before he was, well before “that” happened. I immediately didn’t like them. For starters they didn’t seem very sad that Gorion was dead, for main course they had no idea who might have killed him, and for dessert they were going to Nashkel like those creepers on the road and said we could “tag along” Fuckers. Obviously I didn’t say that, I said “That’s very nice of you but I think me and my sister will find our own way in this world (of shit)” They didn’t hear that last bit.
nice try, but mines are only one step above sewersMe and Imoen chatted with some others in the common room and the nearest town was apparently Beregost, maybe we can find some information there about whoever it is who is trying to kill me. I’m also sitting on a fat stack of gold so maybe I can put it to good use in my plans to become a bad bitch. Only joking I’m going to spend it on fancy rooms and nice food.