Originally Posted by Warlocke
Originally Posted by kanisatha
Originally Posted by Warlocke
And I’m so happy that WotC didn’t give the game to Obsidian. POE2 was a joyless, humorless game with a sterile, overly balanced rule system that I ultimately found a chore to sit through. I didn’t find the story particularly compelling, either.

DOS2 is one of my newest favorite games of all time, and I’m enjoying the marriage between Divinity and Baldur’s Gate.

Exactly the opposite of my experiences. D:OS was easily the worst RPG I've ever played, and every single aspect of that game was a painful chore, worst of all the horrible world the game is set in.

By contrast, everything about the PoE games was awesome, from the world to the characters to the story. And the best part of those games is the new set of rules they created that are NOT based on D&D/D20, which is one of the worst rulesets for RPGs.

Besides, seems you're admitting BG3 has a lot of D:OS in it, despite all of the many attempts at denial in this forum. wink

I’ve personally always embraced that BG3 has a lot of DOS2 in its DNA. For me BG3 is 2 of my favorite games having a baby, and I am fully on board with that. I don’t think it would be fair to say this game is DOS3 and not BG3, as some like to claim.

I think that is a problem and should be treated as such.
BG3 should not be the combination of D&D and DOS, it should be pure D&D or almost it. Just remember how the first gameplay reveal was trashed for looking like a DOS mod. The majority of RPG fans are more into D&D than DOS, so the developers should take that into consideration.