Originally Posted by Dexai
My main dislike of the Outer Worlds was that it clearly tried to be... I can't remember the name of that game right now. But you know with the Hammerlocks and the psychic chicks and the handsome jacks -- except without any of the humour. Well, it sure tried to be humorous, but it sure wasn't.

So it was basically just a very shitty shooter. And I'm pretty certain it was made with the awful Bethesda gamebryo engine, so that's a major minus just there.

I honestly feel Obsidian has their days behind them. They haven't made a game that hooked me since New Vegas (which itself was heavily based on ideas from even longer ago!). I think they've lost their edge.

I think the team that created Pillars II should do Baldur's Gate III, they were really onto something and nailed the gameplay... idk if Obsidian has been bought and are now being forced to make shitty console games, generally when designers are forced to do things they don't want within a time limit they churn out mediocre games but the marketing and IGN reviews are more important... and they pander to consoles because there's too much piracy with PC games, but that's why we love Kickstarter