Originally Posted by Danielbda
Originally Posted by zeel
I think people are so attached to the idea of Obsidian as this amazing studio, and the made up version of "the perfect Baldur's Gate game" they've got in their head, that they forget how mediocre Obsidian really is. People got so wound up with the whole "Obsidian got screwed by Bethesda" narrative (which is mostly true tbf) they now put rose tinted glasses on with every single Obsidian release, because hey, remember New Vegas?

Like, PoE is one of the most over written, bloated with information and shoddy worldbuilding RPGs I've ever played, and gameplay wise it wasn't that amazing either. This is of course just my opinion, but I do think Obsidian is a heavily overrated studio. I get tired of seeing everyone and their uncle shout them out whenever the question of "Who should make an RPG of this IP?" comes up.

Also, considering what I've heard about CP2077, I'm not so sure handing over Baldur's Gate to CDPR would've been a good idea either.

Well, maybe because they are an amazing studio that makes great games with little money.
They have in my opinion the best track record of the decade, only rivaled by Fromsoft: New Vegas, PoE1, PoE2, Stick of Truth and Tyranny. Even Outer Worlds has great reception even though it sucks.
Larian has one great game in the decade with DOS2 (DOS1 sucked).

That is very unfair to say. Larian were the first ones bold enough to bring back turn based classic style isometric RPGS in a era where everyone else were saying that it was just a thing of the past OBSIDIAN included even sawyer admitted himself that he would rather make an historical game or an action oriented rpg instead of a classic isometric rpg. The first divinity original sin despite the flaws it had managed to have a discreet degree of success so much that it saved the company.

The DOS2 came along and it was a nice success. Now they are working in baldurs gate 3 with the blessing of WOTC. The only great rpgs of obsidian were New Vegas. And Pillars of eternity ((despite being very mediocre it went out in a time that isometric rpgs were needed)) Outer World is another mediocre title that gained a degree of success because of the failing of bethesda in the Fallout franchise with Fallout 76.

THe only great game Obsidian made was in the end new vegas. That game is the best fallout since the departing of the isometric fallout style.

Criticism is fair and good. But instead of being distructive why don't put some faith on them and provide them with good criticism? that would help Larian to figure out things about this game

Last edited by Rieline; 08/12/20 01:36 PM.